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Olympic Stadium as a Soccer Venue

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I'm curious to people's thoughts on the use of Olympic Stadium as a soccer venue. Under any circumstances but weather conditions, could/should Olympic Stadium be used as a match venue? Back in the old days, what was it like (it was used as an NASL venue, right?)

What about for a Vs Cup game in order to draw a larger crowd than what Stade Saputo can hold?

Can they still retract the roof?

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I doubt the attendance for a V Cup game in Montreal would necessitate the use of the Big O.

If the CSA could attract a team like France, Italy, Portugal or Brazil to play in Canada, venues like Olympic Stadium and the Rogers Centre would be great. But you have to anticipate crowds of 30K+ before such venues would be practicable.

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quote:Originally posted by Tuscan

I'm curious to people's thoughts on the use of Olympic Stadium as a soccer venue. Under any circumstances but weather conditions, could/should Olympic Stadium be used as a match venue? Back in the old days, what was it like (it was used as an NASL venue, right?)

What about for a Vs Cup game in order to draw a larger crowd than what Stade Saputo can hold?

Can they still retract the roof?

I can't speak for the people who are going to be way up in the cobwebs finding old 1976 Olympics programs under their seats. But, I have to admit it really wasn't bad for the U20WC. The sight lines were ok and while you're pretty far back from the sidelines, I never had to strain to watch. Definitely no comparison to being up close and personal at Saputo and in the fresh air though. The Big O gets so dusty you see clouds.

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quote:Originally posted by Mpenza

The Big-O is a really good venue.

Perfect for large drawing games like the later stages of the Champions League.


Less than 25k doesn't make sense, but it's good for big games like CL or maybe a USL championship game.

No Canada games.

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quote:Originally posted by Daniel


Less than 25k doesn't make sense, but it's good for big games like CL or maybe a USL championship game.

No Canada games.

Really you wouldn't want an extra 30,000 Hondurans in the Big O :(

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quote:Originally posted by Mr.Impact

Somebody better tell that clown Legendre, to make sure there aren't any CFL football lines on the field.

Yes, I'm sure they had the choice (either way).

Legendre: "We'll take the football lines, please, so people can tell how far teh ball is from the net".

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Guest speedmonk42
quote:Originally posted by leafdolfan

Really you wouldn't want an extra 30,000 Hondurans in the Big O :(

Unless you could guarentee it would collapse.

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quote:Originally posted by Grizzly

I think they are using the turf that is owned by the Quebec soccer association.

You're right. After doing a bit of research, I found out that it actually is the turf that was bought by the FSQ for the U-20's but that ended up not being used. It is the same turf used by the Als whenever they play at the Big-O.

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I read somewhere in one of the subjects listed that someone refered that there is no heat in the Oylmpic Stadium. Below is an article about the Annual Dog Show hels there. Look at bottom of the article it states that temperture outside was 5 Deg Cel. and Inside approx. 20 Deg Cel.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Guides Canins trial (Montreal Olympic Stadium)

Lucy sporting red in the blue province


(Sorry, just couldn't resist that one :-)

Guides Canins hosted a trial in conjunction with the Salon National des Animaux de Compagnie, a huge companion animal exhibition held annually at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal (host city for the 1976 Olympics). Along with the agility trial was a flyball tournament, disc competition, obedience competition, show dog competition, and tons of exhibitors including many who gave away free samples of stuff, woo hoo. It was pretty funny, you could easily tell who was there to compete in flyball/agility vs. those competing in the show dog thing. Some pretty fancy pants in that ring!

We stopped in Friday evening to do a couple of runs in the show'n'go, and she handled the dogwalk and teeter well. Then on Sunday, the real fun began.

Starters Standard

Given Lucy's teeter and dogwalk history, I was going to scratch her from this class because the dogwalk was right up against the edge of the ring along which most of the audience gathered. But, luckily the class ran before the arena opened to the public, so there was no audience to speak of. So, we gave it a go. She didn't look happy descending the frame so I decided once and for all to stop insisting on 2o2o for the frame. Come to think of it, she was quite comfortable with 2o2o on a Specials height frame, but has never liked it at the regular height. So.... really need to take some time out at some point and train a proper running frame... Anyway. She was slow and hesitant on the teeter but I let her figure it out on her own and she did it, yay! Then, only a tunnel separated it from the dogwalk, which she was very hesitant about. Took her around again to get a fresh approach and she did it, yay! She held 2o2o on both obstacles. She had a nice run but all of the hesitation ate up time and we ended up .3 of a second over.

Starters Jumpers

She was looking not very energized as we went into the ring and didn't seem to be running at her fastest, but turns out her YPS was 4.4 which isn't bad. Despite feeling slow, she had good focus and ran well, taking the only Q and therefore first place out of the 8 dogs in total who ran the course. On her post-run walk she was quick to do a #2, so that could explain some of her slowness in the ring, poor girl!


The crowd for Steeplechase.

Wow, by this point the crowd was at a max and the atmosphere was really fun. Luckily for whatever reason in agility I generally don't get nervous about being watched, because there were hundreds in the audience. So, off we went. The weaves were the third obstacle, and she *walked* through them. I had no idea she was capable of weaving so slowly. Walter can't weave at all unless he has some speed. So it was no surprise that she popped at pole 10. Fiddled around to get her to pass through the last two poles. For the rest of the run her speed was very decent. A couple of goofups including one in perfect time to the music (spin in front of a tunnel) and taking the scenic route around another tunnel, purely to entertain the crowd, I'm sure. It was a really fun run.

Apologies for the wonky image/caption formatting but it's the best I can figure out right now.

In summary, it was a fun venue and Lucy handled herself really well. I like to think her flyball experience at a variety of tournaments and facilities where the sounds of dozens of madly barking dogs echoes round and round helped prepare her for playing agility in a wildly distracting environment like this one.


Temperature: about 5 outside, but pretty warm inside (~20)Classes entered: 3 (Starters Standard, Starters Jumpers, Steeplechase)

Qs: 1 (Starters Jumpers)

Time/SCT: 74.3/74 (Starters Standard), 25.23/34 (Starters Jumpers), 59.95/43 (Steeplechase)

YPS: 4.4 (Starters Jumpers)

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Just throwing it out their.

Would it be nice to see the Montreal Impact play at least 1 home game in the Big-O every season, exactly the same way the Als do towards the end of there football season.

Why not use the Big-O to bring in more people just for 1 game. Even if they do not reach numbers of 40k+ it would be good for the club and fans. The club will still make money and its going to be a win win situation for everyone

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