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The CSA needs new blood


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I always see on these posts on badly the CSA is being run and the lack of vision by the people in charge. We saw during the whole Mens coach fiasco. I think the cSA nedds a new person in charge someone who is not afraid of going after the provinces and corporate Canada and of course mr Sepp Blatter, and the crook Jack Wrner if He sees Canada is getting a raw deal. My choice is And I know he will never take on the Job because of his commitments to the IOC and WADA. is Dick Pound..

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quote:Originally posted by nedved9

I always see on these posts on badly the CSA is being run and the lack of vision by the people in charge. We saw during the whole Mens coach fiasco. I think the cSA nedds a new person in charge someone who is not afraid of going after the provinces and corporate Canada and of course mr Sepp Blatter, and the crook Jack Wrner if He sees Canada is getting a raw deal. My choice is And I know he will never take on the Job because of his commitments to the IOC and WADA. is Dick Pound..

Pound would be ideal. He is terrific and assertive.

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Wayne Gretzky would bring something very special to that role.

He is a winner, knows international sports, understands how to remove obstacles for players and coaching staff, has been in high pressure situations in the sports newsmedia, and he'd bring a crew of professionals ready to raise expectations across Canada for all of our national football teams.

For him, there's the challenge of vaunting a great sport -- for which Canada has the raw material -- into high gear across Canada. He took that sort of challenge when he went from Edmonton to LA and he was a huge success. As a Canadian in the US market, playing and managing hockey, he knows what it is like to be passionate about a lower-tier sport which is top-tier elsewhere. So he could reconquor the US -- and maybe even the world stage, too.

A crazy idea, maybe, but who else could bring to Canada the same sort of international sporting credibility to the now-ripened Canadian football scenario? He'd know enough to recruit the best football minds available to build his management team and to support our international players.

A pipe dream ...

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Actually, Pesch's wife would be a fantastic idea. She could run the show while Pesch coaches the U17s and learns his trade as a coach.

Forget Dick Pound: Yeah, he's assertive and tough, but he doesn't have the sort of imagination and vision, nor the people skills, to make the CSA even better than it is. He's a technocrat, and we need somebody with real business acumen, as well as a visionary leader.

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quote:Originally posted by JPB

Wayne Gretzky would bring something very special to that role.

Haha, this is funny. Most people complain about the CSA's 'old boys network'.

Gretzky is continually accused of only hiring his friends. There's a joke in the hockey media of Phoenix that you need to be a FOG (Friend of Gretzky) to get a job there. Most people think the team will only improve if the FOG culture is eliminated.

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Yeh, Gretzky would be a "pipe" dream, but I disagree that he'd just hire friends if he were to step from club hockey and onto the international football stage to represent Canada's national project.

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Yeh, Gretzky would be a "pipe" dream, but I disagree that he'd just hire friends if he were to step from club hockey and onto the international football stage to represent Canada's national project.

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