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quote:Originally posted by River City

Loyola - was not aware. Was it funny, at least? Rick Mercer did one about the Portuguese that was just hilarious...

Just go to You Tube and search "Cheeseballs". It's like a 2-3 minute video.

I guess the video wasn't totally "PC" but it wasn't an insult to Italians or anything racist. The guy portrayed in the video isn't even Italian!

Lets face it, the dude in that video is scum. A total spanner! And yes he fits the "gino" stereotype, but I didn't create that stereotype. And I'm not anti-Italian, I'm anti people-who-fit-that stereotype.

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quote:Originally posted by amacpher

Based on your average response time to my posts, its fairly clear that your in here just as much as me the past 2 days. [8)]

But I'm not posting 30 irrelevant posts in the same thread, at least I've posted some opinions and stuff about our players abroad.....

You said in another thread "of course, I don't like italians", don't do the hypocrite.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan

It's normal to brag(boast) when ones team wins a major title. :)Especially as a reply to others who have a problem with said team.

... and the reason so many people have a problem with that team is left to you as an exercise. Due Monday morning.


What are we going to say? Ahh ,we were lucky.?

What's with the "we". Just because you eat Chef Boyardee 6 times a week doesn't make you Italian.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan

It's normal to brag(boast) when ones team wins a major title. :)Especially as a reply to others who have a problem with said team.

What are we going to say? Ahh ,we were lucky.?

No I guess its illegal to celebrate a teams victory thats why he mentoned Greece and Italy the last 2 teams to win a major tournement. If it was their teams WHO I dont even know they would be partying just like everyone else.

Well sorry to disappoint you Italy haters but they are the Champions and you will here it for 4 years!!

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quote:Originally posted by loyola

But I'm not posting 30 irrelevant posts in the same thread, at least I've posted some opinions and stuff about our players abroad.....

You said in another thread "of course, I don't like italians", don't do the hypocrite.

uhh.. I can't remember the exact context, but if I said that, I'm pretty sure I meant "I don't like 'n'th-generation Italians who live in Jersey, Bensonhurst or Toronto", where n >> 1. No, I haven't met them all, but everyone I have met is a perfect arsehole. [8)]

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quote:Originally posted by amacpher

... and the reason so many people have a problem with that team is left to you as an exercise. Due Monday morning.

What's with the "we". Just because you eat Chef Boyardee 6 times a week doesn't make you Italian.

Your kidding.Right? Thats your reply? I was born in Italy,speak Italian,I've travelled back there several times to visit my family and I make a great Rissotto.

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quote:Originally posted by Forza_Italia

No I guess its illegal to celebrate a teams victory thats why he mentoned Greece and Italy the last 2 teams to win a major tournement. If it was their teams WHO I dont even know they would be partying just like everyone else.

Well sorry to disappoint you Italy haters but they are the Champions and you will here it for 4 years!!

uhh.. whatever Mr. "Trying to act Innocent Now". You started the thread, remember England hater?

Sorry to say but England, player-for-player is better than Italy and you will have to live with that for the next while. And the corrupt Italian league is another thing you'll have to live with indefinitely. Deal.

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quote:Originally posted by amacpher

uhh.. I can't remember the exact context, but if I said that, I'm pretty sure I meant "I don't like 'n'th-generation Italians who live in Jersey, Bensonhurst or Toronto", where n >> 1. No, I haven't met them all, but everyone I have met is a perfect arsehole. [8)]

Too bad you couldnt say that to my face..

Remember the reasons why Italian people have pride because they have a lot to be proud of. They were a big part in the development if both the USA and Canada bringing skilled trades and food which you probably order every weekend

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quote:Originally posted by Forza_Italia

Too bad you couldnt say that to my face..

Remember the reasons why Italian people have pride because they have a lot to be proud of. They were a big part in the development if both the USA and Canada bringing skilled trades and food which you probably order every weekend

Honestly, I never really bought that argument. People have a right to be proud if they themselves accomplish something good. How does being born within the same artificial boundaries as someone else 400 years earlier make YOU proud? (not that you were born in Italy, but lets pretend for a second)

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Forza, I never said it was illegal to celebrate a team's victory. But there is a difference between being a graceful winner and being an asshole. In 2004 in Edmonton, the Greeks went out of their way to drive 30 blocks from their west Jasper Ave enclave of restaurants through Little Italy all the way to the Portuguese bars. The Portuguese weren't exactly tickled pink. The Italians were also rightfully ticked off at this. Now, I don't hate the Greeks (especially the women), but those that made the drive deserve a right good beating....

I also never said I hated Italy or Italians. But I don't appreciate the attitude you've displayed in slagging the English.

Looks like Vancouver Fan will have to bring his great risotto to Edmonton for the U-20 next year. BTW, the best I've ever had was made with Rapinni. I can't stand the vegetable boiled, but damn is it ever tasty in a risotto.

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quote:Originally posted by River City

Forza, I never said it was illegal to celebrate a team's victory. But there is a difference between being a graceful winner and being an asshole. In 2004 in Edmonton, the Greeks went out of their way to drive 30 blocks from their west Jasper Ave enclave of restaurants through Little Italy all the way to the Portuguese bars. The Portuguese weren't exactly tickled pink. The Italians were also rightfully ticked off at this. Now, I don't hate the Greeks (especially the women), but those that made the drive deserve a right good beating....

Really? They had a chance to do that twice during that tournament. But of course, no Greeks were actually watching the tournament at the start. *eyeroll*

A bit like Forza actually. Mysteriously absent about a month ago. [:I]

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Now that everyone has had a say. Two things;

1). Thanks for keeping it PG rated. Congrats all around on that.

and 2). Since this baby long ago overstayed it's welcome as a topic and doesn't serve any usefull purpose any more I'm going to shut it down.

Everyone feel free to continue on with their lives.



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