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quote:Originally posted by Forza_Italia

it was under 15 a while back in 1994. I used to play in the CSL/PSL as it was known back in the day. My friend Dave Diplacido plays on the lynx and my other friend Jim Brennan who plays on Team Canada played with my brother in teh NSL for Woodbridge :)

Never said Gattuso is one of the best I say he is above average, and is nominated in the top 30.

Yes look at who Greece beat, and look Greece has one more Euro cup than England has and they deserve it.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan

It's been a good thread. If you're passionate about a team and believe in them there will always be these types of discussions. As long as it doesn't get personal this will be a good place to get different views. We'll probably never be able to change eachothers views but we should learn to respect them.

It's been a very good year for myself as a fan of Italy and of the Whitecaps. I still need to see Canada at the World Cup 1 more time before I leave this world though.

I'm glad to hear that Forza also supports Canada. Something that many Euro snobs including Italian fans can't get ther head around. Well done Forza!

Hey, Vancouver

my close friend plays on the Vancouver White Caps. His name is Adrian Cann. He played with me in that Tournement In Italy a while back. How is he playing , I heard he was hurt for awhile?

Ofcourse I cheer for Canada, I am canadian after all.

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quote:Originally posted by Vancouver Fan

Adrian had a good year and I hope to see more of him in the future. Has come off the bench mostly but is close to being a regular starter. His injury was a short one.He didn't miss too many games.

I played with him my whole life, but I wasnt good enough to make it HAHAH but Adrian was always talented since he was 4. I am surprised he never played at all for the rapids. But I wish him the best

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quote:Originally posted by loyola

I suspect your ex girlfriend cheated on you with an italian River City......your comment about Gattuso being an average player is showing that you have poor soccer knowledge or an evident bias against italians like amacpher.

Not so much a bias against Italy as a bias against guys like Forza.

You have to look no further than the thread title to know that this isn't about having an intellectual and stimulating debate about who the best European sides are at the moment. It's only about poking fun at the troll, Forza. [:P]

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quote:Originally posted by amacpher

Not so much a bias against Italy as a bias against guys like Forza.

You have to look no further than the thread title to know that this isn't about having an intellectual and stimulating debate about who the best European sides are at the moment. It's only about poking fun at the troll, Forza. [:P]

Wow, you have nothing better to do? boring job?

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quote:Originally posted by Forza_Italia

HAHAHAH I dont see your beloeved Gerrard in there HAHAHAH

and I dont care if they are defender mids I would have them all inCLUDING gattuso over Gerrard

What you care about and what you prefer is not important.

That list of 8 players is a list of defensive midfielders. Gerrard is not a defensive midfielder.

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quote:Originally posted by River City

Well for one thing you say the greeks and the Italians Brag to much, secondly my post about England was an opinion, nothing wrong in the initial post. but if you check mr amcapher or whatever his name is, check his previous post and they are mostly angainst Italians

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quote:Originally posted by amacpher

You are in this thread too may I remind you.

And it took you all of 4 minutes to respond to my post so its pretty clear how you're spending your day.

I don't have 30 irrevelant (you've admit it) posts in this thread, I have only 5....but that's ok with me but I would prefer you surfing the internet trying to find anti-italians videos.....that's time well spent.

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quote:Originally posted by amacpher

What you care about and what you prefer is not important.

That list of 8 players is a list of defensive midfielders. Gerrard is not a defensive midfielder.

Thats pretty much how I take your views and knowledge on soccer which is why I wont waste anymore time.

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quote:Originally posted by River City

Most of the Italians I've met though are always reminding themselves and everybody within earshot about how great they are and how much everybody else sucks.

That does not compare with saying that I would never date an English girl even if paid. If you'd like, next time you're up in Edmonton let me know and we can hang out with my Italian friends and in-laws.

Also, Gerrard is not a defensive midfielder....

Loyola - a simple search for Materazzi on youtube takes 5 seconds and you get a plethora of info on just how dirty and bad the guy is.

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quote:Originally posted by River City

That does not compare with saying that I would never date an English girl even if paid. If you'd like, next time you're up in Edmonton let me know and we can hang out with my Italian friends and in-laws.

Also, Gerrard is not a defensive midfielder....

Loyola - a simple search for Materazzi on youtube takes 5 seconds and you get a plethora of info on just how dirty and bad the guy is.

yes so bad that he is donating his money to charity. I know Gerrard is not a defensive mid, I even mentioned that in my thread....

Yes I do apologize that was a bad comment on my part but so is everyone else OPINIONS on how Italians are when they have never met every Italian on the planet

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quote:Originally posted by River City

Loyola - a simple search for Materazzi on youtube takes 5 seconds and you get a plethora of info on just how dirty and bad the guy is.

I,m talking about amacpher posting a video about italians way of life in North America.....the post was removed by the mods. That was at the time of the WC.

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quote:Originally posted by loyola

I,m talking about amacpher posting a video about italians way of life in North America.....the post was removed by the mods. That was at the time of the WC.

OH but I thought he was no racist towards Italians only me.. And River said most of the Italians he met say they are teh best and everyone sucks, so your talking about your friends and in laws that way??

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Okey dokey...

We'll agree to disagree on Gattuso/Materazzi - although just because he donates money to charity doesn't redeem him. I agree a lot of people make stupid comments on other nationalities without really knowing them (although my opinions on Italians are due to many years of intensive research, with a lot of wine included of course...;) )

And yes, I talk about them that way and to their face. They talk back though...which makes it fun. It's the beauty of living in Canada and being able to interact with different cultures. And even they admit, Italians brag too much.

Loyola - was not aware. Was it funny, at least? Rick Mercer did one about the Portuguese that was just hilarious...

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quote:Originally posted by River City

Okey dokey...

We'll agree to disagree on Gattuso/Materazzi - although just because he donates money to charity doesn't redeem him. I agree a lot of people make stupid comments on other nationalities without really knowing them (although my opinions on Italians are due to many years of intensive research, with a lot of wine included of course...;) )

And yes, I talk about them that way and to their face. They talk back though...which makes it fun. It's the beauty of living in Canada and being able to interact with different cultures. And even they admit, Italians brag too much.

Loyola - was not aware. Was it funny, at least? Rick Mercer did one about the Portuguese that was just hilarious...

Ok so by that point I see a lot of English people in bars Drinking does that mean I can say they are all drunks and alcoholics

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First of all, I said;

quote:Originally posted by River City

Most of the Italians I've met though are always reminding themselves and everybody within earshot about how great they are and how much everybody else sucks.

I didn't say all Italians. I said most of the ones I've met. Not ones I've never met. If you said most of the English you've PERSONALLY met are drunks and alcoholics, that's your opinion based on personal experience...but there aren't a lot of nationalities (European anyway) where alcohol doesn't play a significant part. Italian, Portuguese, English, Greek, French....

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