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CSL International Division predictions

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quote:Originally posted by Daniel

You just hate black people.

I just he's being pro serbian and pro croatian. I think it's great that I live in country that one can support who they want. Without or without welfare money proping up the club.

Personally I think Serbia will be the France of the Open Cup, crashing out in the first round.

The Selects will bring with them a love of the game and the Soca spirit.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

I just he's being pro serbian and pro croatian. I think it's great that I live in country that one can support who they want. Without or without welfare money proping up the club.

Personally I think Serbia will be the France of the Open Cup, crashing out in the first round.

The Selects will bring with them a love of the game and the Soca spirit.

You just hate Serbo-Croatians.

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quote:Originally posted by Grizzly

My Picks:

1. Zimbabwe Swedish

2. Iceland Chinese

3. Serbian Nigerians of Siberia

4. Carribean Inuit

5. Anti-Ethnic White Guys with Skinny Legs and Bad Technique

6. Les Habitants de Toronto

Griz...get it right..you are talking about the Montenegrins of Nigeria ..ex of Serbia .. we no longer have those Nigerians as they voted to have their own 1 soccer team league

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quote:Originally posted by Grizzly

My Picks:

1. Zimbabwe Swedish

2. Iceland Chinese

3. Serbian Nigerians of Siberia

4. Carribean Inuit

5. Anti-Ethnic White Guys with Skinny Legs and Bad Technique

6. Les Habitants de Toronto

worst names in Noth America

Chivas USA

Real Salt Lake

FC Dallas

Houston Dynamo

Toronto FC

DC United

Terrible Ethnic names all that's missing is Boston Celtic-- but it's been done.

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<mod> Can we please get this thread back on topic? It's going in a direction that has been covered dozens of times already. Meanwhile, there are actually some people here who want to discuss the CSL. </mod>

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Why are some people opposed to these so called ethnic teams? If they can get fans and sponsors and raise the level of play, I really don't see the negative? There ain't going to be any riots.

I don't have any problem going and watching any (well, almost any) ethnic teams. Even if they had their ethnic music and dance groups or whatever at the games, it wouldn't be any worse than the crap pro teams do today.

Sure, I wouldn't feel any attatchment to the team, but I wouldn't support any team that's not from Hamilton. MLS is different since I know Hamilton won't get a team. So if a team is called Toronto Croatia or Toronto Black Squirrels, makes no difference.

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

Or "United", for that matter?

I guess Wizards, Galaxy, Crew and Revolution are groundbreaking non-ethnic names.

This is the difference. When the guys who run the Serbian White Eagles decided on a name, they looked in the mirror and saw themselves. It's not pandering to some "market demographic" or trying to associated themselves with some far off ideal that has no reference point in their culture or community. It is who they are. It's a very cool and real thing to do.

No one is stopping Rudi or Jonovision to put their wallets and their passion and start a team, which they can call whatever they want.

If those Serbians had called themselves "Toronto Wildcats" it would be as pretentious and phony as MLSE calling its team "FC". Look at us we're an FC!!! Just like FC Barcalona or Liverpool FC..

That why I like what the CSL has done. And why I think the MLS is full of crap. I also like the approach of the new CSL. When you manufacture markets overnight, they are bound to fail when you no longer can entertain the tourists. Look at what is happenning in New England, Kansas City, Colorado and New York. 10 years in and your crowds are shrinking. What the CSL is doing, is the slow and steady approach. Grow your crowds, not shrink them. Develop real soccer fans, not people out to spend a day with the family on the cheap or to visit the newest concrete SSS.

So if one day Italia plays Crotia and they draw 8K, on the economic model that is the CSL, you're building a future for the game.

Lets be honest, the only reason the MLS expanded into Canada is the expanision fee. The NASL did this tick as well. With every expansion team, the league was able to live another day. Without a 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th team, the league loses 40 million in fees....it's the sign that a league is dying. Remember when the CFL expanded to the US? There was great hope that Canadian football would be a hit, as Americans love football. But it flop, cause Americans, like "ethnics" realise that just because you stick Football next to something- doesn't mean it's as good as the football your used to watching.

Long live the new CSL.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

Is the difference. When the guys who run the Serbian White Eagles decided on a name, they looked in the mirror and saw themselves. It's not pandering to some "market demographic" or trying to associated themselves with some far off ideal that have no reference point in their culture. It is who they are. It's a very cool and real thing to do.

No one is stopping Rudi or Jonovision to put their wallets and the passion and start a team which they can call whatever they want.

If those Serbians had called themselves "Toronto Wildcats" if would be a pretentious and phony as MLSE calling its team "FC"

That why I like what the CSL has done. And why I think the MLS is full of crap. I also like the approach of the new CSL. When you manufacture markets overnight, they are bound to fail when you no longer can entertain the tourists. Look at what is happenning in New England, Kansas City and Colorado and possibly New York. 10 years in and your crowds are shrinking this year. What the CSL is doing to the slow and steady approach. Grow your crowds, not shrink them.

So if one day Italia plays Crotia and they draw 8K on the economic model that is the CSL, you're building.

Lets be honest, the only reason the MLS expanded into Canada is expanision fees. The NASL did this tick as well. With every expansion team, the league was able to live another day. Without a 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th team, the league loses 40 million in fees....

Long live the new CSL.

I think you're right, and I have no problems with actual ethnic teams having ethnic names. Toronto's MLS team will not be an ethnic team (I feel so dirty using that word all the time, like Jacques Parizeau) and I feel the name that they chose avoided most, if not all, ethnic connotations. Or more cynically, pandered to the largest number of them. The "FC" designation is used for clubs around the world, and while in Canada, SC might be more appropriate, it is less problematic than a name like Inter, Dynamo, Red Star, Celtic, "Real" anything.

I'm a little more sympathetic to your complaining about taxpayers funding the park since I don't expect the same to ever happen where I live (for a soccer stadium), but this is just a name. Initials in fact, and very generic ones to boot.

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