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Jan 26 U20 WCQ: Canada vs Mexico IN-match [R]


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There seems to be a scoreboard at the Federación Mexicana de Fútbol (FMF) site:


Right now it says 0-0 in the primer tiempo. And if you click on it you get:


- Eliminatoria al Mundial Sub-20 Holanda 2005

Inició en San Pedro Sula, Honduras la actividad del Grupo B en la Eliminatoria de la Concacaf rumbo al Mundial Sub-20.

Alineación México

Francisco Ochoa (Capitán), David Alejandro Cavazos, Luis Omar Hernández, Luis Enrique Robles, Diego Jiménez, Emilio López Navarro, Manuel Enrique Mariaca, Alberto Ramírez, Efraín Velarde, Marco Antonio Parra y Luis Angel Landín.

D.T. Humberto Grondona

Árbitro: Terry Vaughn (Estados Unidos)

Estadio Francisco Morazán

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Asistencia: Aprox. 2000 aficionados

Tiempo soleado

Temperatura 24° C.

80% Humedad

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quote:Originally posted by bungey

Well, after the World Cup Qualifying disappointment I promised myself I'd stop wasting time following Canadian soccer. Here I am back again looking for score updates on a Mexican site in a language I don't even speak.

Go Canada!

You think you've got it bad? I'm doing the same and it is 1 in the morning. Now that they're losing, though, I might go to bed.

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quote:Originally posted by bungey

jonovision, will you be in Holland for the finals?

Yeah. If Canada makes the trip, I'll try to get to as many of those games as I can (Holland is a pretty small country and Utrecht is quite central). If not, I might still check out a match, if tickets are cheap.

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I dunno guys, I'm still so gutted over WCQ that I just can't get excited about this anymore. Now that we're down a goal it seems hopeless. Is there anything worse than being a Canadian soccer supporter?

Feel free to rip into me for being negative. I'm not trolling, I'm a longtime Canada supporter, but I am starting to get really disillusioned after decades of disappointment.

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quote:Originally posted by jonovision

Yeah. If Canada makes the trip, I'll try to get to as many of those games as I can (Holland is a pretty small country and Utrecht is quite central). If not, I might still check out a match, if tickets are cheap.

Hey, that would be wicked for you if we make it.

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Yeah Dave I hear you. Though I'm starting to come around. I'm starting to take an interest again.

And honestly watching a spanish match-tracker to follow a U20 game is so absurd that I have trouble getting too heart-broken when the refresh turns out bad. Getting jobbed by the refs in person in a game I waited four years for is one thing, falling behind early to Mexico in a non-elimination youth level game is another.

Come on you mighty reds, come on you mighty reds . . .

cheers ,


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Is this game still going, or is that supposed to be a final? It seems to have been in the 17th minute of the 1st half for a long time now.

And remember, supporting your country is always preferable to being a fair-weather fan. It makes those rare moments of triumph all the more sweet.......

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quote:Originally posted by beachesl

I have been listening to several sports radio stations from Mexico, and most of them have live pre-game reports of the friendly in Los Angeles against Sweden tomorrow. Little interest there in this match.

Theres also little interest in Canada in this match...

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