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International Player of the Year 2009


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Vic put together a release and VPjr will produce a final copy for distribution to his media list (going out tomorrow I believe). So yes, the media realease will be somewhat different from that which you can see on the cansoc.org Home Page.

I'll clean up the Klukowski article some tonight as it was done on the panic. Also will post the statistical data and (as always) some observations from this years polling.

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Klukowski 35@1st 7@2nd 4@3rd for 200 pts Appearing on 93.9% of submissions with an average point per vote of 4.05

Jackson   7-16-6   89pts  59.2%  3.07 AV

Johnson   3-10-8   53pts  42.9%  2.53 AV

Jakovic   1- 2-6   17pts  18.8%  1.89 AV

Gerba     1- 2-4   15pts  14.6%  2.14 AV

Hutch.    0- 3-5   14pts  16.3%  1.75 AV

Haber     2- 1-0   13pts   6.3%  4.33 AV

Simpson   0- 2-2    8pts   8.3%  2.00 AV

de Guzman 0- 1-5    8pts  12.5%  1.33 AV

Attakora  0- 1-0    3pts   2.1%  3.00 AV

Radzinski 0- 1-0    3pts   2.1%  3.00 AV

de Jong   0- 0-1    1pt    2.1%  1.00 AV

DDR.      0- 0-1    1pt    2.1%  1.00 AV

Straith   0- 0-1    1pt    2.1%  1.00 AV
Total Submissions; 1st place 49 2nd place 45 3rd place 43 Submissions by poster;

<100 posts  7

101-500     9

501-1,000   10

>1,000      23

Found a couple of errors in my initial math. Cosmetic really but if anyone want to double check and correct by all means feel free.

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