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Whitecaps@Miami (R)

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Sounds like the Caps played a full 90 minute game. 4 games in 7 days will be rough but it is a great start. Sebrango said in the interview after the last game that he hoped they could get 7 points out of the trip. 3 down and more to come.

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quote:Originally posted by RJB

Steve Kindel has no business playing central midfield.

I don't understand why it took so long for Teitur to find this out though? I commented on it during the very first home game of the season. It seems that most fans came to this conclusion a long time ago.

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I guess TT wanted a distribution type midfielder (Nash) and a scrappy ball winning tackling type CMF (Kindel). In any event, it was a pretty decent game...Gbeke should have scored, Nash cracked one off the bar, Addlery should have scored at the end...and Miami has been pretty decent of late.

Next up Carolina in the Fox game on Friday...but I'm dying to watch the game on Sunday at Charleston...could be a critical tilt in the context of this season.

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