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Tam interview


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Tam Nsaliwa: No, I don’t think it’s the last I’ve played for Canada. At the moment, I’m working together with the CSA to try and get clearance from the German government to re-acquire my Canadian passport (citizenship). It’s a very complicated situation that goes back a few years now, but rather than talk about how it got to this point, I’m just happy to report that things look positive for me to get my Canadian passport back and still maintain my EU status in European football.

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Good interview.

I understand the red tape with citizenship and passport issues, but I was hoping that the CSA could actually get a SOCCER exemption from FIFA for Tam, as he can't play for any other country than Canada at this point. Actually trying to get the Canadian passport back is an entirely different beast.

I don't expect him back in time for the WCQ semi-final group.

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thanks for the feedback guys. From having interviewed Tam I got the impression he was just as frustated with the whole process as any of us. His patience and loyalty to the Maple Leaf is impressive; definitely the kind of player we want to see in our colours. Hopefully somebody at the CSA is pestering FIFA and Immigration Canada on a daily basis to get this sorted! Maybe something for the Voyageurs to throw their weight behind? A phone-call/letter-writing campaign?

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It seems to be pretty widespread across the board that the boys have nothing but respect for Jonothan's decision. Maybe hard for us to stomach, but especially for someone like Tam who is having his intenrational career wasted by the CSA, its not surprising to me.

They also play alongside his brother and obvioulsy wish the best to his family as such. Its a tight community, and I assume they all support each other in any scenario. You will also find that most of the team support Heargreaves as well, and are personal friends with him.

Well, at least Tam WANTS to play. He seems very humble about his role and not being featured at all lately, but I would throw him right into the mix, immediately.

Let us pray. (seems to be a common theme around here)

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I get the sense that the Canadian players support deGuzman and Hargreaves becuase they know, first hand, what a dog and pony show the CSA is. It's almost as if they have a "good for them" attitude - "the CSA is a joke and they should play for Holland/England for the sake of their careers"

Who knows. If this is true and resonates with the CSA, maybe it gets us a bit closer to much needed reform.

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I agree with Scott in that the younger players that I have spoken to over the years mostly have nothing but the best wishes for Hargreaves.

As Tam and Julian are pretty tight, he of course would hope for the best for Julian's brother. Some of the older guard (Forrest comes to mind) are very critical of both, but that is not the predominant attitude with our players abroad.

I will however disagree with Scott in that I don't think this attitude would lead to any measure of reform as it 'resonates' through the CSA. Disdain for our players and their 'petty' grievances seems to be pretty much ingrained at the top.

Great interview with Tam there Scott. I have spoken to Tam a few times over the years but haven't spoken to him since 2005, so it was nice to get an update.

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quote:Originally posted by Toronto MB

It seems to be pretty widespread across the board that the boys have nothing but respect for Jonothan's decision. Maybe hard for us to stomach, but especially for someone like Tam who is having his intenrational career wasted by the CSA, its not surprising to me.

Did you not read the article?

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Guest Jeffery S.

Good taste in clubs and good taste in players, Tam.

Anyone see that AEK lost the league by 2 points to Olympiakos, who in fact, in real points, was one behind? They were awarded three as a rival played an ineligible player in a game they lost. So AEK would have won the league if it had not been for that.

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