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Seat cushions... but... it's a different crowd.

Guest speedmonk42

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Guest speedmonk42

People keep talking about the seat cushions, but there is something about it people have NOT mentioned.

When the stadium announcer came on and told people in the stands not to swear or use foul language, loads of people swore back and chanted "bull****, bull****".

Then as if they had not learned their lesson a few minutes later they told people not to throw things on the field.... and guess what happened.

People are just plain sick of patronizing crap.

This is a different crowd.

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Guest speedmonk42

This was probably not on TV.

Throwing stuff on the field was not just part of the goal celebration(that came later). It started earlier before the game when the stadium announcer asked people not to throw things, when at that point no one had.

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quote:Originally posted by speedmonk42

People keep talking about the seat cushions, but there is something about it people have NOT mentioned.

When the stadium announcer came on and told people in the stands not to swear or use foul language, loads of people swore back and chanted "bull****, bull****".

Then as if they had not learned their lesson a few minutes later they told people not to throw things on the field.... and guess what happened.

People are just plain sick of patronizing crap.

This is a different crowd.

Requesting people not throw items onto the field is not patronising at all and a perfectly reasonable request. The reaction you describe on the part of some to the request is just plain yobbish hooliganism.
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Guest speedmonk42

I thought it was interesting, I didn't say I agreed with it.

I agree with Jamit.

It was ok when they scored the first goal, but after that...well the joke was over.

But the first time people threw them in response to the announcement, well I do think it was interesting. I am not sure yobbish hooliganism would describe it, that came later. It was a reaction to something, perhaps patronizing is not the correct word, but it was a reaction. It is indicative of something, what I am not sure. Perhaps people just don't want the ultra managed streamlined 'show' you get at other sports in NA.

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Hey speedy you nare getting closer.It is not a canned sport, soccer that is. I have said for it seems about 35 years that this society is very much left brained and it makes sense that facts and figures mean something and even more figures and stats seem to feed that feeling of sport satisfaction. Soccer is much more of a very creative and appeals much more to the creative side.That is my total layman observation.That's why singing is such a big part,these right brainers love it and is very creative as well.

Anyway we have found our freedom and these seats well I even wondered about that but the stadium and others handled it very well and yes my very best friend being a VP at the Bank Of Nova Scotia ain't a happy camper.He acknowledges that I tried to convince him but all he would admit to that soccer is the game for the future.Amen.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

Requesting people not throw items onto the field is not patronising at all and a perfectly reasonable request. The reaction you describe on the part of some to the request is just plain yobbish hooliganism.

Jeez, exaggerate much?

There were a few idiots who seemed to throw theirs at random points of the match and for no real purpose, but aside from that, I thought every instace of cushion tossing was great.

As for the reaction to the PA annoucnement, I loved it, just as I loved the nasty reception that greeted the annoucement at the opener warning fans not to throw beer. It was message sent by the fans, and the message was clear: we'll support our team whatever way we choose.

It's the extreme opposite of what we've become used it in North America: canned gimmicks and scoreboard trinkets leading the crowd along on a leash.

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Support is great but the reaction to club requests over the PA was just silly adolescent rebellion and has nothing to do with canned gimmicks. It is like teenagers cursing in front of their parents or teachers, just to see the reaction. Grow up.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

Support is great but the reaction to club requests over the PA was just silly adolescent rebellion and has nothing to do with canned gimmicks. It is like teenagers cursing in front of their parents or teachers, just to see the reaction. Grow up.

No Richard, we are grown ups, and thats why we don't want to be ordered about like children. Thats one of the 2 reasons why we threw them, the other being spontaneous outpouring of joy. We live in an over-regulated society, and at least at the football we can let off a little steam. THERE WAS NO HARM DONE. There will be no more seat-cushion giveaways, but we'll not sit down and clap politely like this was the Masters. You call that Hooliganism? Man you must live a sad little prim and proper life Richard. And the next opposition player who dares to celebrate his goal by running up to the south stand to rub our noses in it WILL be doused again, regardless of what the PA guy says.

You wanna know something Richard? I spoke to TFC GM Paul Beirne at one of the pub crawls and he told me he honestly wasn't a soccer guy and MLSE really were relying on the fans to let them know what they wanted. Well Richard, they are learning on the job. I am so sick of Canadians having to be nice and polite all the time, I am so sick of soccer being marketed as some kind of tame kiddie sport, this is real football now, no need for violence and hooliganism, but spontaneous outpourings of love for your team and vocal hostility towards the opposition IS WELCOME.

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quote:Originally posted by RealGooner

No Richard, we are grown ups, and thats why we don't want to be ordered about like children. Thats one of the 2 reasons why we threw them, the other being spontaneous outpouring of joy. We live in an over-regulated society, and at least at the football we can let off a little steam. THERE WAS NO HARM DONE. There will be no more seat-cushion giveaways, but we'll not sit down and clap politely like this was the Masters. You call that Hooliganism? Man you must live a sad little prim and proper life Richard. And the next opposition player who dares to celebrate his goal by running up to the south stand to rub our noses in it WILL be doused again, regardless of what the PA guy says.

You wanna know something Richard? I spoke to TFC GM Paul Beirne at one of the pub crawls and he told me he honestly wasn't a soccer guy and MLSE really were relying on the fans to let them know what they wanted. Well Richard, they are learning on the job. I am so sick of Canadians having to be nice and polite all the time, I am so sick of soccer being marketed as some kind of tame kiddie sport, this is real football now, no need for violence and hooliganism, but spontaneous outpourings of love for your team and vocal hostility towards the opposition IS WELCOME.

Well then, behave like responsible, self-respecting grownups.

When you're politely asked to refrain from doing something and you yell back vulgar curses and deliberately do precisely what you've been requested NOT to do then you're being irresponsible and juvenile and displaying profound disrespect for your hosts, in this case Toronto FC. Doesn't mean you can't do all the other stuff to show your passion and support.

If your mother asks you not to curse and throw things around in her livingroom do you then promptly do exactly what she asked you not to do? I think not.

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They knew exactly what we were going to do with them. There is no way they couldn't have, especially after the atmosphere for the first home match.

They gave them out with a wink and a nod and then waited for the place to explode.

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The atmosphere has been great for the first 2 games. I thought the seat cushions were pretty funny. That being said I think it's just a matter of time until there is a more serious incident. You always get that one idiot that thinks it's funny to throw something heavier.

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quote:Originally posted by gwallace76

The atmosphere has been great for the first 2 games. I thought the seat cushions were pretty funny. That being said I think it's just a matter of time until there is a more serious incident. You always get that one idiot that thinks it's funny to throw something heavier.

There won't be anything heavier given out. The beer comes in plastic cups.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

Well then, behave like responsible, self-respecting grownups.

We did. You still dont get it do you?

quote:If your mother asks you not to curse and throw things around in her livingroom do you then promptly do exactly what she asked you not to do? I think not.

This is precisely the problem Richard....you're still looking at this with a paternalistic (or maternalistic) mindset. MLSE is not an adult dealing with children. If an adult tells me, another adult, to stop swearing, then I will choose to stop, or continue. My choice. Perhaps you need to grow up, be a man and stop living in your imaginary nanny state where 'father knows best' and all of us little children have to be be nice when mummy says so. Sorry if I sound harsh, its not personal Richard, but your 'mother' analogy represents everything I find revolting about how people are treated like sheep in society.

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quote:Originally posted by gwallace76

The atmosphere has been great for the first 2 games. I thought the seat cushions were pretty funny. That being said I think it's just a matter of time until there is a more serious incident. You always get that one idiot that thinks it's funny to throw something heavier.

Does this mean they are going to reconsider the TFC pet rock giveaway?

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quote:Originally posted by Jamit

As I said in my podcast, I didn't mind it when they scored the first goal. But that should have been it and should be it for the rest of the season.

Seems to me the fans are getting a little too cocky.

Towards the end, admittedly, I found it annoying too. By the 10th time of seeing cusions flying. In two games so far, the positives far outweigh the negatives in regards to the environment, atmosphere and overall experience. But its not been without a few annoyances:

1) People are a bit too overcharged. Thats not a bad thing, but for crying out load, when the National anthems are playing, shut up or sing the national anthems. A couple of people broke out into chants as the US anthem started. Fortunately, they got "Sheeeesss" at and stopped. To clarify: It was not 113 who were culprits.

2) People ( adults )leaving their seats during the action to go to the concensions. yet, this is happening in what is supposed to be a Hardcore supporters section.

3) Wrong chants at the wrong time. I love the accoustic sound of " all we are saying is Give us a goal". But it is supposed to be a cynical chant. Not one to be sung in the first half of a 1-1 game. TO clarify, that one didn't start in our group but in other parts os the supporters section.

4) Oh and then there was the flare. The repercussions of which will be felt for sure in the future. Nuff said...

Edit: aside from concessions stand part. these were things that appear to be common with areas other than 113

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Richard, come to a game, sit in the supporter section and then comment...Until then...zip it.

I sat in section 117...we were loud and proud and yes, we threw foam seat cushions when the mood struck. If MLSE wants this to be a success, they will let us have our harmless fum because that is what it is....harmless. The PA guy trying to Tell us to refrain from throwing things is about as useful when I tell my 2 kids to be quiet on a road trip. Why waste your breath? We will do as we please but no one will get hurt in the process. Heck, Coach MoJo was just on local radio and told the announcer that he loved the throwing of the cushions (except for the one that hit him). He said we are a true 12th man and that we will be hands down the most impactful crowd in the league. Why change if we are helping our boys win.

The people coming to the TFC matches are not your boring, armani-suit wearing Leafs or Jays "fans". We are a bit younger, a bit rowdier and we are going to use our feet, our voices and occasionally a harmless prop to propel our boys to victory. And we wont feel bad about it. If someone goes over the line (like the duffus that threw a flare on the turf and melted a section), you can be sure that we wont support that behaviour. TFC management has been good to us and it's our collective responsibility to be good to them.

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

2) People leaving their seats during the action to go to the concensions. yet, this is happening in what is supposed to be a Hardcore supporters section.

Edit: aside from concessions stand part. these were things that appear to be common with other than 113

I plead guilty to the above, but it's more leaving during play to go to the Gents knowing that I'll save myself fifteen minutes of aggravation (and discomfort) at the half. And when I'm on my way back to my seat, if there's no one in line for beer, of course I'm gonna pick one up.
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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Towards the end, admittedly, I found it annoying too. By the 10th time of seeing cusions flying. In two games so far, the positives far outweigh the negatives in regards to the environment, atmosphere and overall experience. But its not been without a few annoyances:

1) People are a bit too overcharged. Thats not a bad thing, but for crying out load, when the National anthems are playing, shut up or sing the national anthems. A couple of people broke out into chants as the US anthem started. Fortunately, they got "Sheeeesss" at and stopped. To clarify: It was not 113 who were culprits.

2) People leaving their seats during the action to go to the concensions. yet, this is happening in what is supposed to be a Hardcore supporters section.

3) Wrong chants at the wrong time. I love the accoustic sound of " all we are saying is Give us a goal". But it is supposed to be a cynical chant. Not one to be sung in the first half of a 1-1 game. TO clarify, that one didn't start in our group but in other parts os the supporters section.

4) Oh and then there was the flare. The repercussions of which will be felt for sure in the future. Nuff said...

Edit: aside from concessions stand part. these were things that appear to be common with areas other than 113

1) why do we even these bloody national anthems in the first place. when will this stupid tradition ever end. Soon I hope.

2) People are going to get beer during the game because the lineups are way too long 1/2 time. i don't like it either but until they give us more in seat concessions or more concession stands/carts, this will continue

3) Chants will improve...patience is a virtue....can't expect everyone to know the drill yet

4) The flare was STUPID....that was the biggest downer in my mind. that and the flooded men's toilets...

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quote:Originally posted by marktci

I plead guilty to the above, but it's more leaving during play to go to the Gents knowing that I'll save myself fifteen minutes of aggravation (and discomfort) at the half. And when I'm on my way back to my seat, if there's no one in line for beer, of course I'm gonna pick one up.

Well i didn't notice You:D. For me it was the same two or three people going multiple times over the past two games comming back with loads over priced junk food in their hands

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Well i didn't notice You:D. For me it was the same two or three people going multiple times over the past two games comming back with loads over priced junk food in their hands

Definitely wasn't me then. Only thing I've ever come back with is ridiculously overpriced (but incredibly satisfying) beers. :)
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Free Kick....I can't wait until the chants are coming from every section of the stadium.

I watched the San Lorenzo-River Plate match on FSWC on the weekend and you could hear the crowd chanting so perfectly.....it almost brings a tear to the eye....we need to come up with 1 signature song, get song leaders in every section and hand out a song sheet. I think the supporters groups are a bit too ambitious trying to come up with a large number of chants. let's start with 1 and grow it from there.

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"MLSE is not an adult dealing with children."

Judging from the behaviour that I observed and have read described here including flare and flooded toilets I think in many instances you are wrong, they are evidently dealing with child-like behaviour and responses with some people, perhaps even you included.

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