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Serbia and Toronto Croatia


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quote:Originally posted by Sigma

Keep this one on the topic of soccer - please.

I hade to travell two hours to make it to the game last night, went to a local bar after, then hit the road home. A friend has the material on thier camera, they have been at work all day. So hopefully sometime tonight I will recieve it. Again, I am not sure of the qulaity or content but I will post it if worth while.

The last post, the big one was for history major or anyone of you who may want to research the happenings of this parts of the world some if you are gonna make a comment, it can be educated.

Anyways, either of you at the game, what would you say the attendance was and the ratio TC:SWE?

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quote:Originally posted by BalkanBoy

I hade to travell two hours to make it to the game last night, went to a local bar after, then hit the road home. A friend has the material on thier camera, they have been at work all day. So hopefully sometime tonight I will recieve it. Again, I am not sure of the qulaity or content but I will post it if worth while.

The last post, the big one was for history major or anyone of you who may want to research the happenings of this parts of the world some if you are gonna make a comment, it can be educated.

Anyways, either of you at the game, what would you say the attendance was and the ratio TC:SWE?

Probably about 1-2.5

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quote:Originally posted by DoyleG

Looks like much more bad press for the CSL and Soccer in Canada.

I don't agree with what happened after the game, but for CSL any press is good press. At least it gets them off pg.6 and 7 of the sports page. I've said it before in here CSL is ultimately a business, I know it should be much more in the Canadian soccer picture but it isn't. They have increased attendance, (at least for the Serbian White Eagle protion) I haven't seen the number but I would bet the International Division has a much superior attendance record the National Divison. All of this equal more money, and ultimately that is a good thing for the CSL

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quote:Originally posted by JayWay

So the end justifies the means? Even if it means giving racist hooligans a stage to act out their fascist wet-dreams?

It does nit justify the means, but if they are going to have some sort of supporter guidelines they need to inforce them. "NO FLARES, FIREWORKS, OR ALCOHOL IN THE STADIUM" if somebody is caught with this kick them out, your not welcome and that's that. Why in god's name did they have that much security if when flares were sparked they sat around and watched. The majority of the people there were there to number one support their team, their country and their pride. A few fascists, as you called them, were there to provoke and cause problems. Weed these individuals out, still have increased attendance, the surroundings for a more exciting game and you go from there. I think some people are over looking the fact that this is in a sense a piolet project, the first time around, I am sure things with be diffrent next season

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

In this case, unless it was Canada (remember the name of the league?), then it continues to prove the international division was a stupid idea just asking for incidents like this to happen.

Canada fosters a policy of multiculturalism. There is no expectation or requirement that a person has to forget where they came from or give up their ancestral identity.

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quote:Originally posted by JayWay

Does that include their ethnic rivalries and prejudices to?

Given that the Serbian White Eagles' fanbase has been showing up for games against other CSL clubs as well it seems to me that it isn't primarily about ethnic hatred but about something they miss from their native land which is Serbian style soccer. The same way there are Serbian style churches, cafes, restaurants etc

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quote:Originally posted by BringBackTheBlizzard

Given that the Serbian White Eagles' fanbase has been showing for games against other CSL clubs as well it seems to me that it isn't primarily about ethnic hatred.

It is partly though, and that's all that matters.

I read on the Ontario Soccer Web forum that the Croatians were originally planning to form a human swastica before finally forming a giant U.

So we have banners depicting fascist and genocidal dictators. Fans making the Nazi salute. Potentially, fans forming human swasticas... But because it's only one element of the foreign-team division, it's OK...

How exactly does this jive with Canada's official policy of multiculturalism? Shouldn't the presence of such vile, even if its one game out of many, be enough to reconsider the entire venture?

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quote:Originally posted by BringBackTheBlizzard

Like several others on here you want to deny the majority who caused no problem the right to see their team because of the actions of a few. These incidents can be dealt with through better security measures and the clubs and league should be given a chance to do that.

Do you or do you not condemn those who were responsible for the violence and racist chanting/gesturing last night?

You claim you're sticking up for the innocent majority, but your post regarding the Croat ultras presence at previous, non ethnically charged games suggests you are somehow excusing their actions since the prejudice and violence is just one part of an innocent attempt to enjoy "Serbian style soccer".

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For someone who in the past has been so holier than thou on the topic of tolerance and who has been known to cite the official policy of multiculturalism at the drop of a pin, I find your non-challant attitude towards this case puzzling. I interpret your comments regarding the group's presence at non-ethnically-charged games as suggesting that since their violence and prejudice takes a backseat to their desire for old world soccer that somehow its tolerable.

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quote:Originally posted by JayWay

For someone who in the past has been so holier than thou on the topic of tolerance and who has been known to cite the official policy of multiculturalism at the drop of a pin, I find your non-challant attitude towards this case puzzling. I interpret your comments regarding the group's presence at non-ethnically-charged games as suggesting that since their violence and prejudice takes a backseat to their desire for old world soccer that somehow its tolerable.

Interpret it however you want. Your tone is way too aggressive and condescending for this discussion to continue.

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Guest francetic

First of all it was a human U formed and not a swastika ..... (BIG difference between those 2 symbols )

nobody ever mentioned the black chetnik flags the serbian supporters had ?? skull and bones flags which mean death . works both ways buddy ! if they waved those black chetnik flags then croats had every right to wave whatever banner they wanted!

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