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Mo Johnston interview @ half.


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quote:Originally posted by bettermirror

I missed the half-time show of the Can/Jam game yesterday. It appears there was a wishlist of players presented by MJ. Can anyone fill me in on the particulars of this interview?

Very short interview....Mo did not present a wish list but did confirm that he was there looking at players. He commented on how well he thought DeGuzman and some other players had played in the first half.

The "wish list" was put on screen after the interview and appeared more to be who Gerry and Craig thought that Mo was looking at.

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quote:Originally posted by Cheeta

Quite the wish list.

Probably top of that chart should have read "Wish there was no salary cap".

Was Grande on that list? Don't remember. Thinking that MLS might be not a bad fit for him, and likely he's within reach dollars and cents wise.

The names I thought I saw were DeRo, Brennan, Sutton, McKenna, Onstad, and Stalteri.

Didn't see the list as a beliveable one.

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quote:Originally posted by DoyleG

The names I thought I saw were DeRo, Brennan, Sutton, McKenna, Onstad, and Stalteri.

Didn't see the list as a beliveable one.

Brennan: is a sure thing (he is currently unattached)

Sutton: The Impact always allow their players to move on to bigger and better things. Don't see why Sutton would be the exception

Dero: I still think that "Larry" has a place in Europe. Some might argue that the English Premier, is above and beyond his skill level.

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The unaffordable names which struck me, and somebody out there must be able to check this as my taping of the match didn't come off, were Stalteri, Radz, de Guzman and McKenna.

Average base wage in the EPL is over 900K pounds. So either of Radz or Diesel (alone) working at the same wage as they're getting now would cover the entire MLS cap for the entire team.

No idea what de Guzman's making but I'll guess Big Kev is pulling in 200K euros? German footie fans may be better able to say. Cottbus ain't exactly giants either, so who knows. Could be quite a bit less but his 100K pound wage with Hearts sunk him as much as anything when the financial crunch hit that side.

Hard to guess who'd be interested and who isn't. You've got guys like Jazic and Brennan (and maybe Radz very shortly), both journeymen footballers who probably wouldn't mind returning to Canada to round off their careers. Willing to work for considerably less than they're used to all the while seeing their career savings, accumulated in English pounds and euros, doubling on the exchange rate.

And others still may be willing to take one step backwards (MLS) in order to try to move two steps forwards (European leagues).

But you cannot, absolutely cannot discount the wage gaps which exist between practicaly every European league, big and small, and the restrictions of the MLS salary cap.

Just ask Will Johnson. Or Rob Friend. Or Atiba Hutchinson. Or almost any attached player on our U20 NT.

Oh, yeah. Under contract or no, even if he is still in MLS next year, if de Rossario isn't one of MLS' top paid players next year then what's the use of having another supposedly stellar season?

That's if he's still in MLS. His stock is high and this European opportunities are tic-toc'ing away.

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quote:Originally posted by Mr.Impact

Brennan: is a sure thing (he is currently unattached)

Sutton: The Impact always allow their players to move on to bigger and better things. Don't see why Sutton would be the exception

Dero: I still think that "Larry" has a place in Europe. Some might argue that the English Premier, is above and beyond his skill level.

The downside with Sutton is that he's American so he can go on any MLS team and not be counted against as an SI.

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Mo Johnson was on Sport 590 on Thursday's Soccer hour. Said they will have 8 Canadians with a few Americans and some Europeans. Was not impressed with with Salteri in the Jamaica game. What I understood TFC will name thier first player on Friday.

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quote:Originally posted by DJT

Since this game was in Montreal, why did Sportsnet use the halftime show to do a feature on Toronto FC instead of the Montreal Impact? Why does Sportsnet never cover the USL?

The CSA has pretty much no friends within Quebec and their handling of this game hurt matters even more. There was also bad blood between Sportsnet and RDS.

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