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Can we ban the Modsquad?


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Lets have a total free for all. I for one really enjoy what the Beast has to say. Especially when it pisses off those lesser than the Beast. Who needs these pesky little control freaks going, "Okay, that's enough of this particular thread," and another bit of Canadian soccer culture comes to an end. Let's have a democratic vote right here, right now. Let the first 100 votes decide. Do we want Mods?

Vote number one -NO

Updated score

No - 1

Yes - 0

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

Wow... "lesser than the Beast", and "soccer culture"... that's pretty deep, Robert.

I knew it would take too long to hear from my number two fan.

1 - 2 (?)

Now the greater majority can start to cast their votes.

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quote:Originally posted by Robert

I knew it would take too long to hear from my number two fan.

1 - 2 (?)

Now the greater majority can start to cast their votes.

Any chance we will see the introduction of "yellow cards" to the list? I don't know if its effective over at Big Soccer but at least it makes it very obvious as to who deserves to be ignored.


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Robert, you are one of the most annoying toss bags on this site. i rarely if ever post here but i am an avid reader and have nothing but the utmost respect for my fellow canadian footy supporters who spend the time to research canadians abroad and who contribute something meaningful there by making this board something i look forward to reading on a daily basis. you, on the other hand are a one trick pony and a loser of the highest order and never contribute anything worthy of my fellow voyageurs

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Okay, I get it now.

Other things we could vote on when we're done:

-Giving Ted 27 million dollars to start a Canadian Soccer League

-Renaming the CSL Gatineau expansion club "Hull United"

-Whether Egypt is part of the middle east

-Firing Frank Yallop

-Firing Andy Sharp

-Firing Kevan Pipe

-Hiring Rafa Benitez

-Hiring Jose Mouriho

-Does Robert like girls

-Giving Richard his own board

-Making Daniel an English moderator

-Making DJT, Strobe Z, and Beachesl French moderators

-Whose better Mike or Chris Franks?

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I'm not even sure how to respond to this...

...except to point out that without mods, any monkey with opposible thumbs will be able to post these types of threads and clog up the forum. I couldn't care less if Robert wants to debate the validity of mods, but there's an off-topic forum for a reason. Despite what Robert may think, not everyone cares about his personal rants. There's many more people that read this forum than post on it - and they look to the Men's: Canadian National Teams & Players forum to read about... the Canadian Men's National Team news and/or speculation. They're not interested in this type of crap.

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quote:Originally posted by strobe_z

I'm not even sure how to respond to this...

...except to point out that without mods, any monkey with opposible thumbs will be able to post these types of threads and clog up the forum. I couldn't care less if Robert wants to debate the validity of mods, but there's an off-topic forum for a reason. Despite what Robert may think, not everyone cares about his personal rants. There's many more people that read this forum than post on it - and they look to the Men's: Canadian National Teams & Players forum to read about... the Canadian Men's National Team news and/or speculation. They're not interested in this type of crap.

Why I'm responding I dunno......but here goes.

Firstly, what brought me to this board was to bitch about the CSA's "National Stadium" idea. But now I don't care it's become a joke....just build a stadium, somewhere....anywhere.

Then I found that I could talk about soccer in general, well and good.

But after 3 years I will admit the constant I hate the CSA, I want MLS, I want or don't a CSL, I hate/want MLS etc. gets tiresome But there are always new members who want to discuss this and that's great.

Now I don't comment much about National Teams, but I'm not comfortable being down or up on a player because they can do what I cannot.

I disagree that followers of overseas soccer aren't true Canadian supporters as well as the idea that folk that can't or don't go to MNT/WNT games are less of a supporter. Because not all can for various reasons travel miles or even afford the time on that particular day to go to the game. Nor do we all live in areas that have a pro team and I might add there's more to Canadian soccer than a handfull of pro (semi?) teams. But then again I don't understand why there are so many posts about a few pro teams and less about National Club or things like the Canada Games. So many posts about the FIFA U-20 but hardly any on a national U-17

Okay back to the point.....I think the mods do a good job keeping this board civil and I don't always agree and sometimes let them know.

But unless you or I are willing to spend the amount of time keeping this board going (for free) and running then shut-up or post else where.

Now I will say if Beast or any of alias wants to post here and there that's cool. But 20 or so obvious baiting posts in one day is beyond any area of tolerence. I know alot don't like my posts and I skip over alot of posts once I see the poster. So I don't want to see any-one banned but sometimes things are outta control so mods have to take some kinda action.

Well I got alot of things off my chest. But salut to the mods keep up your work.

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quote:Originally posted by Robert

I knew it would take too long to hear from my number two fan.

1 - 2 (?)

Now the greater majority can start to cast their votes.

Clearly you have your finger on the pulse of the greater majority, if the comments on this thread are any indication.

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quote:Originally posted by Robert

I knew it would take too long to hear from my number two fan.

1 - 2 (?)

Now the greater majority can start to cast their votes.

Clearly you have your finger on the pulse of the greater majority, if the comments on this thread are any indication.

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