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Canada vs. El Salvador pre-game thread


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El Salvador's newspapers continue their extensive coverage of this series. Most of the articles from Monday and Tuesday seem to be about the El Salvadoran team and the weather in Kelowna (they even have an article about Kelowna), though there is one on Canizalez. Below are links to these articles and the full text of the one on Canizales.

Monday, November 17


Paredes hombre de hielo

laprensagraphica.com - Article 1

La preolímpica de fútbol con la cabeza helada / A morirse del frío

laprensagraphica.com - Article 2

Sin tiempo que perder

Tuesday, November 18

elsalvador.com - Article 1

¿Alguien habló de frío?

elsalvador.com - Article 2

Kelowna: Clima gélido, pero con gente cálida

I think the following links to laprensagrafica.com will work only on Tuesday; afterwards you need to use their archive...

laprensagraphica.com - Article 1

Con el calor del corazón

laprensagraphica.com - Article 2

“Se van a Morir”

laprensagraphica.com - Article 3

“La pasé bien en El Salvador” (from here)

Mario Enrique Paz/Enviado


MAYCOLL CANIZÁLEZ espera que el frío juegue decididamente en favor del representativo canadiense. El salvadoreño está en una situación peculiar.

Maycoll Canizález analizaba ayer su estadía en el país. Dice que no resiente que sus otros compatriotas lo hayan silbado sin piedad a la salida del partido.

“Yo nunca en mi vida pensé jugar contra El Salvador. Por un momento me sentí triste, confundido, pero la verdad es que así es el fútbol.” La frase deja en claro dos cosas: primero, que Maycoll Canizález es bien salvadoreño (ese refranejo es marca de fábrica cuscatleca); segundo, deja entrever que en su corazon todavía guarda cariño por su tierra natal. ¿Y cómo no? No sólo es su país, sino el de sus padres, el de su familia.

El jugador, que ahora forma parte de la selección de Canada, dice que no resiente que los aficionados cuscatlecos lo hayan silbado cuando salió del juego el pasado sábado. Más aún, asegura que entiende la reacción de todos sus paisanos en el estadio Cuscatlán.


“Yo jugaba por Canadá antes que hacerlo por el país en que nací, pero así son las cosas, ellos no saben lo que pasó ni por qué me vine”, explica el jugador, quien más allá de reclamar, asegura: “La pasé bien en El Salvador, me divertí, vi a mi familia. No pasa nada con los silbidos”, asegura tranquilo.

Maycoll, quien dejó el país cuando apenas era un niño, asegura que tuvo razones de peso para abandonar el terruño, entre ellas, sus padres. “Yo estaba mal en El Salvador, pero en ningún momento me vine por renegar de mi país o de mi gente”, explica.

Canizáles asegura que todo el equipo estaba preparado mentalmente para enfrentar el partido, pues ya lo habían advertido: era terreno difícil, sobre todo por la presión que constantemente mete el público.

“Nos habían dicho del calor, de la cancha, pero sobre todo de la presión del público. Cuando inició el partido, yo estaba más nervioso de la cuenta, más que el resto del grupo. Me costó trabajo entrar en el juego, pero al final lo logré”, recuerda el jugador.

La situación es otra ahora, y por su futuro futbolístico espera que las cosas cambien en Kelowna, aunque para ello tenga que hacerle daño al país que lo vio nacer. “El juego será diferente, no hay duda de ello, tenemos que imponer nuestro físico y vamos a atacar más.”

Para el jugador, la situación climatológica jugará a favor suyo, pues todo el equipo está acostumbrado. “A algunos de nosotros nos molestó el calor de San Salvador, ahora vamos a ver qué responden con el frío.”

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Guest Jeffery S.

Once again, I am sorry I can't translate, too much stuff. But really the articles are well written, with a lightly humorous tone, and quite respectful of Kelowna, mentioning the food as decent (they have set up in the Denny's just down from the hotel), the people as friendly, and even noting the fires that devasted the area in the summer. Very decent of them. Also talk about how the sports sections are full of hockey (and even lacrosse), so they open the papers to read the weather reports and little more.

Also indicates that the ES team scouted the city and ended up spending some 2,000 dollars US to get sweats, thermal undershirts, toques, etc, to equip the team for the game. Quintillana says that he played for ES vs. the States last year this time in Washington "and nobody died". But clearly the cold will affect them and we have to take advantage of it (forecast is for minimum of three degrees and rain, lovely).

The Canizalez piece talks about how he was whistled -how the Latin the world boos- when subbed out in the game in ES (that sub I didn't hear on the webcast, didn't even realize Friend was in as they probably pronounced his name oddly), how he thought it was odd but accepted it. He remains tied to the nation via family and insists his family had good reasons to leave and that all his football was learnt in Canada. He also mentions how he was more nervous than the rest of the group in the game at first, but soon settled in.

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The question is, is a bad surface condusive for goals. I don't mind the cold (within reason, let's be honest Tam, MC2 and some of those guys probably don't like the cold either and none of the Euro-based guys are exactly used to negative weather yet), but snow could be bad. If it accumulates and we're using an orange ball and guys are sliding, I think that favours the Sallies since they have a goal in their back pocket.

I've only played once in the snow and it was fun, but high scoring and not an indication of the strengths of the teams. Anyone else have an opion on how this might be a factor?



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From http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Soccer/2003/11/18/261603-cp.html:

Twamley hoping hot heads, cool weather will lift Canada past El Salvador


(CP) - The temperature may have plummeted for players on the Canadian under-23 men's soccer team, but their tempers haven't cooled any.

And head coach Bruce Twamley hopes both those factors will help the Canadians get past El Salvador Wednesday. Canada plays El Salvador in the second of a two-game Olympic qualifying series on the chilly turf of the Apple Bowl in Kelowna, B.C., Wednesday - a match the Canadians must win by two goals after a frustrating 1-0 loss on a contentious penalty shot in sweltering El Salvador on Saturday.

"It gives us a chance," said Twamley, of the goal differential Canada carries into the rematch. "If it was 2-nil, 3-nil, then you're really in trouble, but this result, at least it gives us a chance."

The winner of the series - which is decided by aggregate goals, with away goals counting double in the event of a tie - advances to the final CONCACAF qualifying tournament in Mexico in February.

Tuesday, the Canadians were still reeling from Saturday's result, a game that turned on a penalty kick awarded in the 86th minute when a ball booted from 25 yards out hit Canadian defender Adam Braz.

Referee Victor Stewart awarded the penalty shot to the delight of the noisy crowd of 25,000 at the Estadio Custatlan, which Josue Galdamez slotted past Canadian 'keeper Andrew Olivieri.

"The players were very disappointed, very disappointed," said Twamley. "The ball hit (Braz) in the chest but even if it had hit him in the hand, the ball was driven from outside the box, it was driven with tremendous pace, it's not a penalty. If it was a penalty, it was a penalty.

"But did we get outplayed? Yes, we got outplayed, but it wasn't a penalty."

Going into this must-win game, Twamley says the fact his players are angry is a plus.

"I think they're chomping at the bit to play. They feel they can get back and win it. Going in a bit angry, a bit upset," said Twamley. "We have a chance, and that's what we wanted. We wanted to come out of El Salvador with a chance in the second game, and we do have a chance."

And Twamley is hoping the Kelowna weather increases those odds.

The players flew to the B.C. interior town on Sunday morning, where the temperatures hovered around 2 C on Tuesday, far chillier climes for soccer than the steamy 29 C they played in on Saturday in San Salvador.

"It's cold. It's wet and cold. . . a difference of about 27 degrees C," said Twamley. "Yes, it's good for us.

"Our players are accustomed to this weather, they play in Germany and Scandinavia and England, so this is the kind of weather they're accustomed to."

The Canadian squad is looking for its first Olympic berth since 1984.

The Canadians breezed past the U.S. Virgin Islands - 24-0 in two games - to advance to the El Salvador series.

But even if Canada can survive El Salvador, there are more obstacles before Athens. The final CONCACAF qualifying tournament in Mexico will feature two groups of four teams, with the top two in each pool advancing to a single elimination semifinal. The two finalists secure a berth in Athens.

Should Canada get past El Salvador, it will be in a group in the final qualifying tournament with Panama, the U.S. or St. Kitts & Nevis, and Haiti or Honduras.

Good news for Twamley Wednesday is he'll have reinforcement in midfielder Terry Dunfield (Bury, England), who didn't play Saturday. Twamley said he'll likely also play Rocco Placentino (US Avellino, Italy) and Sita-Taty Mutondo, who both sat Saturday's game, and Rob Friend, who was a sub in the 70th minute for Maycoll Canizalez.

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More articles from El Salvador. Their coverage is really amazing. They have writers and photographers following the players around Kelowna.

Are they hung up on the weather or what?


Wednesday, November 19


Article 1: Sorpresa: nieve (Interestingly, this article says that the game is not being broadcast on television in El Salvador because their stations could not come to an agreement with the Canadian stations.)

Article 2: “Mi estatura no es defecto” (This article says that De Guzman and Klukowski have returned to their clubs. Did I just forget about this or is this new info?)


Article 1: ¡Qué frijol!

Article 2: En el carrito del éxito

Article 3: Paredes: “Hoy saldremos a ganar”

Article 4: “No viejito, si el frío es psicológico”

Article 5: Cuando vencimos al frío

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quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

Once again, I am sorry I can't translate, too much stuff.

That's okay, Jeffrey. I think a few people here can read Spanish and online translators are decent so I think the articles are worth posting regardless. The comments you did provide were appreciated.

quote:Originally posted by snake

any radio for the game

Yeah, http://www.radioguanaca.com/ is supposed to be Webcasting again.

quote:Originally posted by matthew

I've only played once in the snow and it was fun, but high scoring and not an indication of the strengths of the teams. Anyone else have an opion on how this might be a factor?

Yeah, my opinion is similar to yours. Some cold weather, fine, but let's not get carried away! Snow isn't good for anyone.
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"The players were very disappointed, very disappointed," said Twamley. "The ball hit (Braz) in the chest but even if it had hit him in the hand, the ball was driven from outside the box, it was driven with tremendous pace, it's not a penalty. If it was a penalty, it was a penalty."

It is like the referee waited for the opportunity to call a penalty. Asshole.

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I imagine if the field is wet and muddy it will hinder the ground game, while having less effect on the air game. This should improve our chances of potting one on a set piece aimed at Friend's head.

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quote from DJT:"This article says that De Guzman and Klukowski have returned to their clubs. Did I just forget about this or is this new info?)"

WE were aware that Klukowski wouldn't be available for the second match since it was reported by the CSA. But i do not recall that the same applied to DeGuzman.

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first time poster here,,i live in Kelowna and hoping to get to the game tonight if I can get off work in time. we certainly had a good snowfall yesterday,,if thats what Twamley was hoping for he certainly got it. Only down part is hopefully it doesn't turn away some of the crowd as I know there were still a number of tickets available. Nice and sunny out today,,i think around 0 degrees,,,perfect Canadian weather. Been a lot of articles in the Kelowna Daily Courier here lately about the game,,,especially with Rob Friend being from here I think it's helped bring some extra coverage to the team. There was a big story on him in the paper today , he mentioned the team is really motivated right now and says "El Salvador won't know what him em tonight" I know the team is still pissed off cause of the late handball penalty called,, but another thing Rob mentioned in the interview was after El Salvador's victory they were out partying that night like they'd already won the series, and you can believe the Canadian boys all took note of that. I guess it was already posted that DeGuzman and Klukowski have gone back to their respective clubs, that should be a bit of a blow to our team and was also hoping to get a chance to see those two play live. Hopefully we won't need them anyways.

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Until a few moments ago when I read a similar post on the old board I had no idea that De Guzman wouldn't be there for the 2nd leg, and it wasn't the sort of surprising news that I wanted to hear. This makes the strategy we employed in the 1st leg make even less sense. Taking out De Guzman, Klukowski and of course Hume's unavailability means going without 3 of our best players at this age level. Not good news.

As for who replaces De Guzman, it might be what was suggested above, or perhaps Masciantonio might be used in his stead.

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