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Any news yet on CFL-CSA-NASL plan for an all-Canadian soccer division


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Duane Rollins reported on Two Solitudes a few weeks ago that they cannot find major sponsors to help back the league and are looking at 2019 at the earliest. I thought that was discussed in another thread or maybe not.

I think that was reported in the thead that is located in the Canadian leagues forum.

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Duane Rollins reported on Two Solitudes a few weeks ago that they cannot find major sponsors to help back the league and are looking at 2019 at the earliest.


It's important for this to be financially sustainable (ie. not CSL 2.0), so if they have to take their time to get it right from that angle, I appreciate that they are doing so.


They better not take too long. I would give no better than 50/50 odds that the NASL will exist in 2019.

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Yes, 'wait until 2019 and hope a major sponsor turns up' is essentially an admission of defeat for this plan. In the next few years there should be organic growth of clubs into the current NASL structure and also the USL, either when it gets D2 licensed in 2017/2018 or earlier if the CSA realizes its mistake.

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Yes, 'wait until 2019 and hope a major sponsor turns up' is essentially an admission of defeat for this plan. In the next few years there should be organic growth of clubs into the current NASL structure and also the USL, either when it gets D2 licensed in 2017/2018 or earlier if the CSA realizes its mistake.

The "wait until 2019 and hope a sponsor turns up" is your take, they would/will surely work in the meantime on their plans and continue to work on bringing in a sponsor. Rushing things is not wise and these things take time and IF it happens well thought out planning and implementation will be part of ensuring its success.

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