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A new forum?

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Just wondering if anyone would be interested in a forum where you wouldn't have to put up with a lot of the garbage that can bog this site at times. I've thought about it for quite a while now.

Trolls, baiting, one topic agendas upchucked ad nauseum with no other kind of contribution, purposely misstating issues, non constructive criticism and negativity just for the sake of tearing something down.

Posters would have something like a card system, yellow - warning/suspension, red card - you gone.

A place for intelligent discussion.

Like someone said, there are unspoken rules, there's no such thing as free speech - you don't yell fire in a theater, you don't yell bomb in an airport.

A place where the Ziggys, minorsoccers and beasts of the world would have one post and be gone.

I say this because what bothers me most are not the ranting of these clowns but that some newcomer will be here and the first thing they see is a beast post saying we won't qualify until 2020. Neither beast nor I can see the future but that newcomer wouldn't know the beast's rep and develop a bad first impression of Canadian soccer. Aren't we supposed to be supporters? Obviously there are many here who can't tell the difference between supporter and cheerleader.

Think it over, for those who might otherwise be affected by this don't bother responding.

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Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in a forum where you wouldn't have to put up with a lot of the garbage that can bog this site at times.

You mean like this post.

quote:I've thought about it for quite a while now.

You need a hobby.

quote:Trolls, baiting, one topic agendas upchucked ad nauseum with no other kind of contribution, purposely misstating issues, non constructive criticism and negativity just for the sake of tearing something down.

You mean like saying people should not be allowed on a silly little forum because you don't agree with them.

quote:A place for intelligent discussion.


quote:I say this because what bothers me most are not the ranting of these clowns but that some newcomer will be here and the first thing they see is a beast post saying we won't qualify until 2020. Neither beast nor I can see the future but that newcomer wouldn't know the beast's rep and develop a bad first impression of Canadian soccer.

Look at the bright side, at least they would know that "Canadian soccer" is not an oxymoron.

On a serious note, as DJT has pointed out a million times, it's not really possible to ban people without too many headaches which are not really worth it. I think people need to relax a little. Just don't read, and most importantly, don't reply to posts that are not at your obviously high intelligent level.

What exactly do you want to discuss? Who the starting 4 should be this weekend for Canada, or for the Lynx? Name 4 Lynx players period.

Seriously people.

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I propose you call this new forum the 'Bountiful forum'. Dissent not tolerated. Group hugs and group thought encouraged. No beer though. Lots of tea parties for the CSA fans from the west coast to have a nice chat. And definitely no sex standing up as it might lead to dancing.

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quote:Originally posted by Ed

I propose you call this new forum the 'Bountiful forum'. Dissent not tolerated. Group hugs and group thought encouraged. No beer though. Lots of tea parties for the CSA fans from the west coast to have a nice chat. And definitely no sex standing up as it might lead to dancing.

Ed, I expect the BS from the other guys who posted but not you. You know the difference between constructive criticicism and the trolling and baiting. And if that was you who posted this same post at BS then I give the same response. Dissent is healthy trolling is not.

We go back to Net54. You and I disagree on some issues but I respect you as a poster. We agree to disagree. You know that. So dissent is not the issue. Sorry to bring up names but I often disagree with Jeffrey and Grizzly but they make their point and back it up with some logic and fact. They don't make outlandish blanket statements over and over and over.

You know the difference between attacking Kevan Pipe/Andy Sharpe's record and calling him a drunk and saying he should get the crap kicked out of him.

I'm not saying anything about this site. This site is gonna be what it's gonna be, I can't change that. Just like some guys didn't care for how life was at the old site, they got off their ass and did something about it. I'm just gauging interest if there are those here who feel the same. And for me that is seeing all the negativity. You can't build something good in this type of atmosphere.

You know I am not a CSA apologist, why do I have to keep saying it. I am against attacking someone of whose job we know nothing and can't defend himself.

It's got to the point where the negativity has become so pervasive that the word support is lost here. When you see even G-L getting frustrated that tells me something is not right.

To be honest I just find it frustrating dealing with the negativity. If I wasn't such an addict I'd have been gone long ago. If there is somebody out there who can keep the ol' MOACA up to date with no spelling mistakes so that at any time somebody can find it and see an exact up to the second accounting, I'll gladly try to not let the door hit my ass on the way out.

I thought I made it clear in my post that I wasn't looking for the approval of the same negative posters who already have responded. Oh well, free speech c'est la vie.

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Well Joe, I find this site is becoming a joke. I have no more time for Soccer Beast and his sixteen aliases than anybody else, so I IGNORE him. However, I find the attacks on a lot of other posters really unnecessary. The CSA could not organize a piss up in a brewery. If anybody is defending their record, I think they must be so f*king deep into the soccer association politics that they've lost their objectivity. Cheetah said it well. No business in the Western Hemisphere would keep Kevan Pipe in charge unless it was run on with a very high degree of nepotism and a very low degree of accountability. Actually, that's a pretty accurate description of most soccer bodies in this country.

I am sorry if I have offended you on this or other boards but the ranting of a couple of lunatics is not a reason to throw away a forum. Minorsoccer was a different story. He is an evil person and threw threats of lawsuits and bodily harm around. Different kettle of fish.

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quote:Originally posted by Ed

Well Joe, I find this site is becoming a joke. I have no more time for Soccer Beast and his sixteen aliases than anybody else, so I IGNORE him. However, I find the attacks on a lot of other posters really unnecessary. The CSA could not organize a piss up in a brewery. If anybody is defending their record, I think they must be so f*king deep into the soccer association politics that they've lost their objectivity. Cheetah said it well. No business in the Western Hemisphere would keep Kevan Pipe in charge unless it was run on with a very high degree of nepotism and a very low degree of accountability. Actually, that's a pretty accurate description of most soccer bodies in this country.

I am sorry if I have offended you on this or other boards but the ranting of a couple of lunatics is not a reason to throw away a forum. Minorsoccer was a different story. He is an evil person and threw threats of lawsuits and bodily harm around. Different kettle of fish.

I'm not talking about throwing away a forum. This one will always exist. Anyways I'm just too frustrated to debate much now. And yes I agree with much of what you said about Pipe. Maybe just read some of the posters who are more eloquent than me describe the negativity.

You don't get it, you didn't offend me. Sometimes we need a kick in the ass by those we respect. But I'm having a lot of difficulty with the dumbasses. No matter what anyone says they can't be ignored. Someone will always swallow the bait. They are not driving me away. This (Canadian soccer) for me is/was a very unhealthy obsession for quite a while. It's time to move on. You shouldn't feel bad about something you should have fun with.

I don't think anybody has defended the record of the CSA. I certainly wouldn't. Maybe try to provide a balance to the histrionics and personal attacks against the CSA, but I sure can't defend the teams record. It is also rare that the players have come in for so little criticism for the WC fiasco.

Another thing I find as an old news hound is that there are no insiders here. I don't think I have ever seen any first hand information posted here. Maybe some Impact stuff but it seems most stuff is sour grapes posted by bitter ex minor provincial hacks. I keep posting lists of players whom we don't know their whereabouts. You would think someone here would personally know a soccer player. It is rare when I read "I was talking to..."

And I know well that I am part of the problem going after some of these negative jerks. Like I said it bugs me that some kid would come here and see this crap posted.

By the way Ed, would you like to take over the MOACA? DJT? G-L it was your adopted baby. Canadian_Supporter, you're the papa :)

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If there has ever been a thread screaming to be deleted, it is this one....before it really gets ugly in here.

I always find it amusing when people start throwing $hit around but then can't handle it when it comes flying back faster at them.

Instead of being like the beast, and the other people you call jerks, by attacking people, why don't you actually answer some questions.

1. So if somebody posts something and it turns out to be correct, they are being negative?

2. Why do you think the beast has so much power? He keeps saying the WYC will be pulled from Canada. So if (it won't, but if) it happens, you think it's because the beast said so?

3. What exactly do you want to discuss? And why don't you start those discussions?

4. The comment about "insiders", what do you expect Pipe or Yallop or who? And would you believe anybody who said "I was talking to..." And if it was obvious who the people were, they would never get that inside info again. Hence, why reporters don't reveal their sources.

5. If we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya, the stadium at York will be built? I think that is the CSA's plan B.

6. Since when does "supporters" mean just blindly letting others tell you what to think?

It's funny, but it's only "negativity" when people disagree with you.

And I still don't understand why people take this board so seriously. What, did the stadium not get built because the beast said it won't?

The only ridiculous part of this board is when people get stupid and start attacking people personally, incl. Pipe et al.

The reason G-L got fustrated in the other thread is cause he kept saying the same thing over and over without ever answering any questions (like why do the CSA people still have their jobs, how could the Argos/UofT get out of "deals" so easily without penalties, etc.).

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Joe, think positive thoughts. Kerfoot is up to good things. The Saputo's are doing just fine. The U20s are in good shape. The U17s have some talent coming up. The million or so Cdn kids under that elite few are getting better youth coaching and better competition each and every year. Eventually, things just have to get better at the top. But don't ask me to defend the latest CSA folly. I can't and won't. If that means I don't support Cdn soccer, well so be it. I spend a lot of my time spreading the word on how many great stories we have out there. But I don't find 36 Metcalfe St to be particularly inspiring in that regard. Cheers. Keep up the good work on the MOACA. My time for soccer is being spent more and more on the field so I can't help you in taking it on.

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quote:Originally posted by Ed

Joe, think positive thoughts. Kerfoot is up to good things. The Saputo's are doing just fine. The U20s are in good shape. The U17s have some talent coming up. The million or so Cdn kids under that elite few are getting better youth coaching and better competition each and every year. Eventually, things just have to get better at the top. But don't ask me to defend the latest CSA folly. I can't and won't. If that means I don't support Cdn soccer, well so be it. I spend a lot of my time spreading the word on how many great stories we have out there. But I don't find 36 Metcalfe St to be particularly inspiring in that regard. Cheers. Keep up the good work on the MOACA. My time for soccer is being spent more and more on the field so I can't help you in taking it on.

I totally agree but it's time for me to hit the bricks. Seven years of Voyageurism is enough. It's a damn addiction. It's tough to leave something that you know is gonna grow in a big way.

I need to find someone I can trust for the MOACA. I'm pretty anal about it.

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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

Posters would have something like a card system, yellow - warning/suspension, red card - you gone.

I wouldn't want to be the referee who hands out those cards. I can see the arguments now.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

A place where the Ziggys, minorsoccers and beasts of the world would have one post and be gone.

You can't dismiss someone that quickly. I suspect that you're exaggerating with "one post", though.

quote:Originally posted by Elias

On a serious note, as DJT has pointed out a million times, it's not really possible to ban people without too many headaches which are not really worth it. I think people need to relax a little.

Thanks. I wasn't sure if anyone was paying attention, because all I keep reading is "why hasn't this guy been banned".

quote:Originally posted by Ed

I have no more time for Soccer Beast and his sixteen aliases

This is another thing that keeps getting mentioned. However, we have dealt with every proven alias (has anyone realized that you don't see those names posting anymore?). There is only one outstanding case we are keeping an eye on.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

By the way Ed, would you like to take over the MOACA? DJT?

I definitely want this list to continue, but I have enough on my plate. Updating isn't a big deal, but reading all articles and posts to keep track of players is a lot more work.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

I totally agree but it's time for me to hit the bricks. Seven years of Voyageurism is enough. It's a damn addiction. It's tough to leave something that you know is gonna grow in a big way.

Don't leave, Joe. Just take some time away. It'll help.

My general feelings about this forum: like others, I've become very frustrated and many times have thought about calling it quits as a moderator (that way I can still visit but not as often and not feel obligated to look at every thread). Sometimes this frustration comes from moderator duties, sometimes it's just the discussions themselves. The negativity is bothersome. However, it's not just the negativity coming from the usual suspects. For example, most people seem to be okay with the constant bashing of the Argos, U of T, Rogers and other organizations that are not actually responsible for Canadian soccer because the bashing is done in the name of Canadian soccer, usually with only Canadian soccer in mind and with total disregard of the point of view of these organizations. But to me this is still negativity, is unfair, does nothing for Canadian soccer, and is simply just not fun to read. Look around, there's tension everywhere, even on topics that don't appear to be controversial.

Another thing that's frustrating is that I find there's very little actual soccer discussed here. It's more about stadiums, the CSA, artificial turf, a national league, MLS, etc. I know there's not much going on with NTs, but the Canadian club season has started and there isn't much discussion there, either (I'm trying to get things going by posting about every USL D1 match involving a Canadian team). It's the same thing in the General Discussion section, and there's lots going on in world soccer right now (even though we are here for Canadian soccer, I'd prefer to discuss Euro leagues than Canada's stadium issues for the billionth time). This is just my preference and I don't expect others to feel the same way, but it's making me lose interest.

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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

Posters would have something like a card system, yellow - warning/suspension, red card - you gone.

I wouldn't want to be the referee who hands out those cards. I can see the arguments now.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

A place where the Ziggys, minorsoccers and beasts of the world would have one post and be gone.

You can't dismiss someone that quickly. I suspect that you're exaggerating with "one post", though.

quote:Originally posted by Elias

On a serious note, as DJT has pointed out a million times, it's not really possible to ban people without too many headaches which are not really worth it. I think people need to relax a little.

Thanks. I wasn't sure if anyone was paying attention, because all I keep reading is "why hasn't this guy been banned".

quote:Originally posted by Ed

I have no more time for Soccer Beast and his sixteen aliases

This is another thing that keeps getting mentioned. However, we have dealt with every proven alias (has anyone realized that you don't see those names posting anymore?). There is only one outstanding case we are keeping an eye on.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

By the way Ed, would you like to take over the MOACA? DJT?

I definitely want this list to continue, but I have enough on my plate. Updating isn't a big deal, but reading all articles and posts to keep track of players is a lot more work.

quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

I totally agree but it's time for me to hit the bricks. Seven years of Voyageurism is enough. It's a damn addiction. It's tough to leave something that you know is gonna grow in a big way.

Don't leave, Joe. Just take some time away. It'll help.

My general feelings about this forum: like others, I've become very frustrated and many times have thought about calling it quits as a moderator (that way I can still visit but not as often and not feel obligated to look at every thread). Sometimes this frustration comes from moderator duties, sometimes it's just the discussions themselves. The negativity is bothersome. However, it's not just the negativity coming from the usual suspects. For example, most people seem to be okay with the constant bashing of the Argos, U of T, Rogers and other organizations that are not actually responsible for Canadian soccer because the bashing is done in the name of Canadian soccer, usually with only Canadian soccer in mind and with total disregard of the point of view of these organizations. But to me this is still negativity, is unfair, does nothing for Canadian soccer, and is simply just not fun to read. Look around, there's tension everywhere, even on topics that don't appear to be controversial.

Another thing that's frustrating is that I find there's very little actual soccer discussed here. It's more about stadiums, the CSA, artificial turf, a national league, MLS, etc. I know there's not much going on with NTs, but the Canadian club season has started and there isn't much discussion there, either (I'm trying to get things going by posting about every USL D1 match involving a Canadian team). It's the same thing in the General Discussion section, and there's lots going on in world soccer right now (even though we are here for Canadian soccer, I'd prefer to discuss Euro leagues than Canada's stadium issues for the billionth time). This is just my preference and I don't expect others to feel the same way, but it's making me lose interest.

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quote:Don't leave, Joe. Just take some time away. It'll help.

My general feelings about this forum: like others, I've become very frustrated and many times have thought about calling it quits as a moderator (that way I can still visit but not as often and not feel obligated to look at every thread). Sometimes this frustration comes from moderator duties, sometimes it's just the discussions themselves. The negativity is bothersome. However, it's not just the negativity coming from the usual suspects. For example, most people seem to be okay with the constant bashing of the Argos, U of T, Rogers and other organizations that are not actually responsible for Canadian soccer because the bashing is done in the name of Canadian soccer, usually with only Canadian soccer in mind and with total disregard of the point of view of these organizations. But to me this is still negativity, is unfair, does nothing for Canadian soccer, and is simply just not fun to read. Look around, there's tension everywhere, even on topics that don't appear to be controversial.

That last part about blame was very perceptive and I totally agree with you.

I'm glad to see that you didn't take my original post as a shot at you or this forum because it wasn't. You guys are doing great.

In fact, of the five? Canadian forums I visit, the problem is universal. The negativity is just the straw that broke the camel's back. Like I keep saying for me it was an addiction; a pretty happy one for quite a while but not so happy for the last while. I think I've got Voyageur burnout. :)

Man, can't give the MOACA away, I'm running out of guys I can trust.

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quote:Don't leave, Joe. Just take some time away. It'll help.

My general feelings about this forum: like others, I've become very frustrated and many times have thought about calling it quits as a moderator (that way I can still visit but not as often and not feel obligated to look at every thread). Sometimes this frustration comes from moderator duties, sometimes it's just the discussions themselves. The negativity is bothersome. However, it's not just the negativity coming from the usual suspects. For example, most people seem to be okay with the constant bashing of the Argos, U of T, Rogers and other organizations that are not actually responsible for Canadian soccer because the bashing is done in the name of Canadian soccer, usually with only Canadian soccer in mind and with total disregard of the point of view of these organizations. But to me this is still negativity, is unfair, does nothing for Canadian soccer, and is simply just not fun to read. Look around, there's tension everywhere, even on topics that don't appear to be controversial.

That last part about blame was very perceptive and I totally agree with you.

I'm glad to see that you didn't take my original post as a shot at you or this forum because it wasn't. You guys are doing great.

In fact, of the five? Canadian forums I visit, the problem is universal. The negativity is just the straw that broke the camel's back. Like I keep saying for me it was an addiction; a pretty happy one for quite a while but not so happy for the last while. I think I've got Voyageur burnout. :)

Man, can't give the MOACA away, I'm running out of guys I can trust.

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Joe, its been said by others but I'll chime in: You can't give anyone the kind of power over you where they are taking away something that is important to you. What goes on here, goes on pretty much every where. But you don't have to fight every fight. As Ed says, ignore the crap. And remember, as iritaing as many of these posters are to you (and me buddy, I hear ya :)), you are probably (and me too) just as irritating to them. Imagine coming on and having hole poked in all your arguments :D: It must drive them crazy! Or maybe they thing we just don't get it. But whatever. Its unfortunate that we all can't disagree reasonably, or be rationale and fair in our opinions, but that is life.

Stick around Joe, withdraw from the fight for a while if you need to renew, and ignore the threads/posts that get ya bothered.

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What's all this about me being frustrated? Not so. I can't stop laughing at the idiocy of some posters, and I either don't respond to them or enjoy making them look like bigger fools. Other times I will treat other posters with respect and try to answer all of their questions but if they refuse to listen and behave stubbornly with an adamant after provided with those answers, I don't see the point in going on, since they have no intention of changing their mind. My life is only so long, and there is only so many hours in the day. Once I have said all that I've had to say on a point, I leave it and am confident that people with reasonable (most of the people reading) will be able to make up their own minds who has a reasonable viewpoint and who is acting like seething, frothing-at-the-mouth rabid maniac (and this latter description is not aimed at you Elias, if I had no respect for you I wouldn't respond to begin with).

I can understand where the Tail Gunner is coming from though, its a little disappointing when people like Brian Halliday lurk on to the site and report on the radio some of the dumb-ass troll comments as being the true voice of the Voyageurs. The real Voyageurs are the ones who get off their asses and go out and support the team, not the myopic moronic trolls that are a minority here but speak the loudest and longest & have the boiling, vitriolic energy to criticize but not to act, the type that believe that just because you don't condemn the CSA in a post it automatically means that you support every action they've ever made to the fullest degree. Its a shame, but not something that I let bother me too much. When I have the time I'll try to help with one or two others to provide some perspective to the casual reader, which then apparently puts me into the category of Uber-Defender of the CSA for no readily apparent reason other than the blinkered vision of one or two dingbats.

Incidentaly, Elias, I didn't answer the question about how people in the CSA have their jobs after all these years because I don't know who it is specifically referring to (should Dale Mitchell, who is with the CSA, lose his job because the Argos pulled out?), I don't know how some of them have kept their jobs, I don't care, and finally because it has nothing to do with whether the Argos are a bunch of un-trustworthy a-holes that would have shafted the most dilligent business partner imaginable. You might as well ask me who is going to win American Idol, because the two things have about just as much relevance to what the Argos have done. And I did answer the question about how people can withdraw from their stated intentions - you just didn't read it or didn't understand. I'm not privy to whatever documents they signed or didn't sign, and neither are you, nor anyone here, but whatever there was it seems that the Argos were legally entitled to withdraw from the project by a certain date and got out just in time to avoid any legal penalties. It doesn't follow that they never had an intention of building their own stadium, and never communicated that intention to their prospective business partners! You can't sue someone for simply changing their minds! Our society is litigious enough as it is without adding that as a cause of action.

Incidentally there were reports in the Toronto Star that York's board of governors were considering suing the Argos, but regardless of whatever contracts exist, the fact is you have to prove damages (ie. that you have suffered a loss). Until the stadium is pronounced dead (and there isn't actually any indication that this is going to happen), there are no damages to prove that I'm aware of.

And Joe, I wouldn't leave either. Just ignore the twits if they bother you that much. If you leave you let them achieve what they have sought out to do, which is to destroy. By remaining you are a thorn in their side. And as Gordon says, leisurely picking holes in ridiculous arguments can often be a very pleasurable sensation. Maybe we should be thanking them? :D

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Hey G-L, obviously we are not going to change each others mind. We are just going to go in circles, you blaming the Argos for pulling out, and me blaming the CSA for not protecting themselves.

So there's no point in repeating everything said in the other thread. Just one last point, the problem I have with this whole stadium fiasco (once again, the 3rd stadium), is that the CSA seems to be living in fantasy land.

For example, right now with York, you posted Pipe saying "there is no plan b because the stadium will be built 100%". In one month from now, when York pulls out from this "deal", you are probably going to blame York. The problem is, York has never said they will build a $50-million 20 000 seat stadium. York has never said they will build a stadium without the Argos being involved, because I assume the main concern being the operating costs. York has officially said, it "is reviewing its options" and "the board wll make the final decision when all the information is assesed". http://www.yorku.ca/mediar/archive/Release.asp?Release=873

My point is that Pipe is the one that is saying this is a done deal. Pipe is saying that York's intentions are to build this stadium. So when York's board decides they can't afford the risk of the annual costs, it's not Yorks fault this stadium will not be built. It's exactly what happened with UofT. Granted, the Argos did say publically they wanted a new stadium, but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the CSA should have handled the situation better. They should have realized they were in the big city now....they didn't, and they were eaten alive. The thing is I don't care about the Argos (the Dome is half-decent with 30 000+) and I really don't care about the universities. I want a soccer stadium built in Toronto. And without some really rich guy stepping up, the CSA is the only one that can get it done.

With regards to this thread, I think everybody just needs a hug. Sincerely, Joe you do a good job with the MOACA. I don't understand what exactly you are so upset about. As with regards to who says what, I don't understand how people keep track of who says what, I can barely keep track of what I think. Like when Robert and Richard go at each other in some threads, I can never keep track of who says what. Oh well. Finally summer, what a beautiful thing!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay guys, this thread is not to carry on the debate of other threads. I understand that G-L was just clarifying something, fine, but then Elias wants to clarify something, and then... as proven elswhere, this topic can go on forever... So let's take that back to the other thread...

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quote:Originally posted by Ed

Well Joe, I find this site is becoming a joke. I have no more time for Soccer Beast and his sixteen aliases than anybody else, so I IGNORE him. However, I find the attacks on a lot of other posters really unnecessary. The CSA could not organize a piss up in a brewery. If anybody is defending their record, I think they must be so f*king deep into the soccer association politics that they've lost their objectivity. Cheetah said it well. No business in the Western Hemisphere would keep Kevan Pipe in charge unless it was run on with a very high degree of nepotism and a very low degree of accountability. Actually, that's a pretty accurate description of most soccer bodies in this country.

I am sorry if I have offended you on this or other boards but the ranting of a couple of lunatics is not a reason to throw away a forum. Minorsoccer was a different story. He is an evil person and threw threats of lawsuits and bodily harm around. Different kettle of fish.

Just to correct you a bit....Ed , i have only used a handful of aliases, all with the BEAST title. I had problems getting into some

of them, so i just changes handles, check the mods they can confirm this. But saying i had 16 handles is a bit much.

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Well, it's been a few years since I've been carded and if it takes a forum using that system then damn it! Sign me up! (Sort of miss it yah know?)

Fear not. My life is slowly getting back to normal so I'll soon be returning to my wicked ways in my drive for 10,000 posts by year's end.

And if that dosen't bring the overall IQ up on this site, then Sugar, nothing well.

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