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Not too surprising I guess. When you have to fly for 14 hours ECONOMY CLASS your legs can get pretty stiff. Then you train all out for your country the next day at what feels like 3 AM. Naturally your body is out of whack, and with your legs still ready to cramp up from the previous day's economy class flight, of course you are ripe for a lower body injurry.


Pipe should be drawn and quartered for this.

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quote:Originally posted by Dave

Not too surprising I guess. When you have to fly for 14 hours ECONOMY CLASS your legs can get pretty stiff. Then you train all out for your country the next day at what feels like 3 AM. Naturally your body is out of whack, and with your legs still ready to cramp up from the previous day's economy class flight, of course you are ripe for a lower body injurry.


Pipe should be drawn and quartered for this.

I'm pretty sure Yallop insisted on the 7PM start, as the match was originally slated for 2PM.

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quote:Originally posted by kokanne

Why can't the injured player be Watson and Onstad ever?

I don't wish ill will on them as I'm sure you don't, but the thought did cross my mind before I read your post.

I am starting to feel sorry for those two. If they are asked to play for their country what are they to do?

"Hey, Frank thanks for giving us a cap but let's face it our time is done and we play shi**y whenever we put the red jersey on." "Sorry, we can't play. Give someone else a shot."

They just shouldn't be asked but that is another topic.

Hopefully no more injuries, unless it is a minor 90 minute flu to a clayfooted defender and a dreamy keeper.

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Probably no Diesel for Saturday, maybe Wednesday? Menezes hobbled onto the bench, again maybe Wednesday. Big Kev never even left Scotland. The Guz just recovered from his hamstring. No further word on Imhof. And wasn't Pesch's anckle/leg/something a bit dodgy last week?

In truth Diesel & Big Kev are my biggest losses. And who the hell even knows if Frankie would have called Big Kev if he was healthy.

The Guz will be fine, he's young, the bloods hot and odviously he has a bit of a temper. He'll work it through if it isn't a 100% already.

Menezes is sort of an unknown right now so who can say if he was likely to even see the pitch although that would be hard to imagine having come all the way from China. Of course I'm assuming he was in China.

Dose kind of screw up the back line options though.

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Some hope, perhaps? On Stalteri's website, the most recent update quotes him as saying the team has had time to try to recover from jetlag, but no mention of any injury. It doesn't say when that quote was taken, but the bit about recovering from jetlag implies it may have been recently. Is it possible that Stalteri is NOT injuried? Maybe the reporter screwed up and confused Stalteri with Imhoff, who we know is injured. It certainly wouldn't be the first time for our Canadian media.

Even if the article is correct, it said Stalteri "probably" wouldn't be available. Perhaps it's still a game time decision. Christina might post and clear this up. On the other hand, it seems to me that if Paul were definitely not playing she probably would tell us that. Her silence suggests that either the reporter was wrong and there is nothing to post about, or else Paul is slightly injured but still might play, and she doesn't want to give anything away to the Hondurans.

As for Menezes, look at it this way: we know Yallop is going to play Watson no matter what. JDV and Jazic are givens. For the final defender spot, Yallop was likely going to choose between Stalteri, Menezes, or Imhoff. Now all three appear to be injured (if Stalteri is in fact able to play, it was sounding like he may start in midfield at any rate). That means that Yallop has to be a bit more creative in who he picks as the final defender. It looks as though the most likely choices to fill out the back line now are Hutchinson and Serioux. Neither would be a bad choice, and both have considerably more pace than Menezes. So in a sense, the injury to Menezes may have forced Yallop into a good decision.

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quote:Originally posted by Dave

Some hope, perhaps? On Stalteri's website, the most recent update quotes him as saying the team has had time to try to recover from jetlag, but no mention of any injury. It doesn't say when that quote was taken, but the bit about recovering from jetlag implies it may have been recently. Is it possible that Stalteri is NOT injuried? Maybe the reporter screwed up and confused Stalteri with Imhoff, who we know is injured. It certainly wouldn't be the first time for our Canadian media.

Even if the article is correct, it said Stalteri "probably" wouldn't be available. Perhaps it's still a game time decision. Christina might post and clear this up. On the other hand, it seems to me that if Paul were definitely not playing she probably would tell us that. Her silence suggests that either the reporter was wrong and there is nothing to post about, or else Paul is slightly injured but still might play, and she doesn't want to give anything away to the Hondurans.

As for Menezes, look at it this way: we know Yallop is going to play Watson no matter what. JDV and Jazic are givens. For the final defender spot, Yallop was likely going to choose between Stalteri, Menezes, or Imhoff. Now all three appear to be injured (if Stalteri is in fact able to play, it was sounding like he may start in midfield at any rate). That means that Yallop has to be a bit more creative in who he picks as the final defender. It looks as though the most likely choices to fill out the back line now are Hutchinson and Serioux. Neither would be a bad choice, and both have considerably more pace than Menezes. So in a sense, the injury to Menezes may have forced Yallop into a good decision.

Very good points Dave, you've given me a new hope that Stalteri will suit up for tonights game. But you're exactly right, maybe the Canadian media got Stalteri mixed up with Imhof.

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