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Honduras pleads with Milutinovic not to quit


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If he is gone this could be great for Canada. With out two biggest rivals in the next group having coaching drama, it's nice for us to be behind ours 100%.

Honduras plead with Milutinovic not to quit

TEGUCIGALPA, June 30 (Reuters) - Honduran football directors say they are trying to persuade their high profile national team coach Bora Milutinovic not to quit.

The Serb, who boasts the unique record of coaching five different countries at five World Cups, is upset at fierce criticism and is currently in Mexico, where he lives.

"I'm going to try to convince him that the atmosphere is appropriate, that the circumstances can change," Honduran Football Federation president Rafael Callejas told reporters.


"But he's very sceptical. He believes that the football situation in Honduras is not favourable and he feels that it's beyond his control to change it."

Honduras comfortably beat Netherlands Antilles 4-0 on Saturday to complete a 6-1 aggregate win and progress to the second stage of the marathon CONCACAF World Cup qualifying competition.

But Milutinovic, who took over last year, is still under fire after the team crashed 4-0 to the United States in a friendly earlier this month.

Milutinovic coached Mexico at the 1986 World Cup, Costa Rica in 1990, the United States in 1994, Nigeria in 1998 and China in 2002.

Honduras qualified for the World Cup once in 1982.

They missed out on the 2002 World Cup after losing at home to Trinidad and then going down 3-0 to Mexico in their final qualifiers.

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I believe that according to this article he has quit:

Bora se va

San Pedro Sula

Bora Milutinovic confirmó su renuncia de

la Selección Nacional, hoy se oficializa

en conferencia de prensa.

El fútbol hondureño está en crisis, en desgracia. Bora Milutinovic no sigue en la selección Nacional. A buscar otro técnico.

Cuando insistimos en tener un entrenador de calidad mundial lo logramos con el pentamundialista pero 10 meses después de su llegada los mismos hondureños lo sacaron.

Sus detractores pueden estar felices, pueden celebrar por la desgracia del fútbol de Honduras que a poco más de un mes de la eliminatoria mundialista su selección mayor ha quedado sin entrenador.

El serbio le confirmó su renuncia ayer al presidente de la Fenafuth, Rafael Leonardo Callejas, y luego viajó a Portugal para presenciar la semifinal de la Eurocopa.

Callejas no pudo convencer a Bora, su decisión estaba tomada, no hubo vuelta de hoja. Bora clasificó a la selección a la segunda fase luego de superar a Antillas Holandesas 2-1 y 4-0.

En su última entrevista brindada a La Prensa el técnico dijo que en Honduras lo habían tratado como un delincuente y que de donde no lo querían se iba.


Los nombres para reemplazar a Bora Milutinovic en el banco de la Selección Nacional ya comenzaron a sonar. En la lista figuran los extranjeros Juan de Dios Castillo y Alexander Guimaraes. También son opción los hondureños Chelato Uclés y Flavio Ortega.

De los que se mencionan, los más fuertes candidatos hasta el momento son el mexicano Castillo y Guimaraes.


Es el técnico que a Honduras le convine, conoce muy bien el medio y los jugadores. En la eliminatoria mundialista pasada dirigió a la selección de Costa Rica y la clasificó al mundial. Su último equipo fue el Irapuato de México.


Chelato fue el primer entrenador en iniciar este proceso rumbo al mundial de Alemania 2006, pero debido a los malos resultados que obtuvo principalmente en la Copa de Naciones realizada en Panamá, fue destituido de su cargo por el presidente de la Federación Rafael Callejas.

Uclés ha sido el único técnico en llevar a Honduras a un mundial de fútbol y es considerado el mejor técnico del país por sus innumerables logros en diferentes equipos, pero sus conflictos con Callejas lo alejan de la bicolor.


El mexicano llegó a Honduras el año anterior contratado por el Real España, equipo al que en el primer torneo lo logró sacar campeón después de 10 años que el conjunto españolista no lo conseguía.

Castillo le cambió la cara a un Real España que en los torneos anteriores no jugaba a nada. La directiva decidió renovarle contrato en el campeonato que recién finalizó, pero los sampedranos fueron eliminados en semifinales por el actual campeón Olimpia.

Actualmente “El Cuate” se encuentra en México, pues esta vez sus altas pretensiones económicas no le permitieron seguir con los amarillos.


El brasileño naturalizado hondureño, dirigió en dos ocasiones a la selección mayor. En 1991, Honduras con Flavio Ortega logró el subcampeonato de la primer Copa Oro al perder con Estados Unidos en penales.

El segundo intento de Flavio fue en el proceso eliminatorio rumbo a Estados Unidos 1994 donde terminamos ocupando la cuarta posición y nos quedamos fuera.

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online translation:

Bora goes San Pedro Be used to

Bora Milutinovic confirmed its renunciation of the National Selection, today is officialized in press conference. The Honduran soccer is in crisis, in misfortune. Bora Milutinovic does not continue in the National selection. To

seek another technician.

When we insist in having a coach of world quality we achieve it with the pentamundialista but 10 months after its arrival the same Hondurans removed it.

Its critics can be happy, can celebrate for the misfortune of the soccer of Honduras that to little more than one month of the eliminatoria world championship athlete its greater selection has remained without coach.

The Serbian confirmed his renunciation yesterday al president of the Fenafuth, Rafael Leonardo Callejas, and then he travelled to Portugal to witness the semifinal of the Eurocopa.

Callejas could not convince to Bora, his decision was taken, do not he there was return of leaf. Bora classified to the selection to the second phase after surpassing to West Indie Dutch 2-1 and 4-0.

In its last interview offered to The Press the technician said that in Honduras they had tried it like a delinquent and that of where it did not they want went.


The names to replace to Bora Milutinovic in the bank of the National Selection already began to sound. In the list figure the foreign Juan of God Castle and Alexander Guimaraes. Are also option the Honduran Chelato Uclés and Flavio Ortega.

Of the ones that are mentioned, the strongest candidates up to now are the Mexican Castle and Guimaraes.


Is the technician that to Honduras I agreed it, knows very well the middle and the players. In the eliminatoria passed world championship athlete directed to the selection of Costa Rica and he classified it al world. His last team was the Irapuato of Mexico.


Chelato was the first coach in initiating this process course al world of Germany 2006, but due to the bad results that obtained mainly in the Cup of Nations carried out in Panama, he was destitute of his charge by the president of the Confederacy Rafael Callejas.

Uclés has been the only technician in carrying to Honduras to a world one of soccer and he is considered the best technician of the country by his innumerable achievements in different teams, but his conflicts with Callejas move away him of the bicolor.


The Mexican arrived at Honduras the previous year hired by the Real one Spain, team al that in the first tournament champion after 10 years managed to remove it that the joint one españolista it did not obtain.

Castle changed the face to a Real one Spain that in the previous tournaments did not play anything. The executive decided to renew him contract in the championship that recently finalized, but the sampedranos were eliminated in semifinals by the present champion Olimpia.

At present “The Twin” is found in Mexico, therefore this time its high economic pretensions it did not permit to continue with the yellow.


The Brazilian naturalized Honduran, directed twice to the greater selection. In 1991, Honduras with Flavio Ortega achieved the subcampeonato of the first Cup Gold al to lose with United States in penal.

The second I try of Flavio was in the process eliminatorio bound for United States 1994 where we finish occupying the quarter position and we remain was.

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