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How much of a role does internet hype play in getting a player noticed?


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Interesting thing, there are a lot of young players who (very intelligently in my opinion) put out a lot of videos/pics etc on YouTube/Facebook et.al.

Given enough time I could make my 7 year old look like Maradona (in the GOOD way), you just edit out all the garbage and anyone has a few good minutes out of a game.

Question is, do these things really help to get players noticed?

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Interesting thing, there are a lot of young players who (very intelligently in my opinion) put out a lot of videos/pics etc on YouTube/Facebook et.al.

Given enough time I could make my 7 year old look like Maradona (in the GOOD way), you just edit out all the garbage and anyone has a few good minutes out of a game.

Question is, do these things really help to get players noticed?

Well I can say they help, but how much is another question.

Generally major clubs are no longer fooled by slick edited videos but that doesn't mean they don't use them. Agents will still use them to hype clients to contacts, and it can create some word of mouth hype.

But the usual way they help is when literal word of mouth reaches someone or they see something decent, in the internet age it's almost second nature to look up what's on your mind so if you have a good video, you make a good impression, if you don't, you might drift from their mind. Even video's using game footage aren't taken as a serious scout, but it can make enough of an impression to have a real scout check them out or invite them to trial.

Their not common sources for signing but if you don't have videos, you are even less likely to get noticed by people you aren't in contact with and your more likely to pop out of people's heads just as quickly as you jump in if your google search turns up very little.

If anyone wanted me to make them a promotional video (sorry for soliciting), I only charge 100 - 120$ to mix 3 games of player footage together. I haven't really being trying this route much though because a certain portley agent from Montreal ripped me off for like $200 which kinda left a bad impression on me (funny fact, claimed he didn't have to pay because I called him 'delinquint', which means 'in arrears', which he was, by about 6 months)

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Thanks Juby, I think my son can wait a few years before his first videos ;)

haha, I was mostly referring to people involved in televised leagues. I agree with the sentiment though, it's probably not a good idea to give people 15ish and under an epic video ego boost ahah

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Correct me if I'm wrong but...

Is there not a case from a few years back when Southampton signed "George Wier's brother", based upon the viewing of a Video. Apparently he made useless look useful and was subbed out after 10 minutes and sent packing.

Watching what a player does off the ball is almost as important as what he does when he has it at his feet.

Videos grab the attention but they can't beat good old fashioned scouting.

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It probably puts players ahead of others who don't do any self-marketing, so I wouldn't be surprised if most pros have used the internet in some fashion to boost their chances. It only seems to reason.

After three... and everybody snigger at the thought of "He who cannot be named" in last years You-tube "Flash Dance/ give us a job video"

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