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Our unsanctioned league has a schedule!

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9 avril Montréal @ Tampa Bay

16 avril Montréal @ Caroline

23 avril Tampa Bay @ Montréal 14h30

1er mai Montréal @ Edmonton

14 mai Caroline @Montréal 14h30

21 mai Montréal @ Tampa Bay

28 mai Montréal @ Miami

4 juin Edmonton @ Montréal 14h30

8 juin Montréal @ Atlanta

12 juin Montréal @ Porto Rico

18 juin Miami @ Montréal 14h30

26 juin Montréal @ Edmonton

29 juin Porto Rico @ Montréal 19h30

3 juillet Montréal @ Caroline

13 juillet Miami @ Montréal 19h30

17 juillet Atlanta @ Montréal 15h30

22 juillet Montréal @ Minnesota

31 juillet Porto Rico @ Montréal 14h30

6 août Minnesota @ Montréal 19h30

10 août Tampa Bay @ Montréal 19h30

14 août Atlanta @ Montréal 18h00

20 août Minnesota @ Montréal 14h30

27 août Montréal @ Minnesota

3 septembre Montréal @ Miami

7 septembre Montréal @ Porto Rico

11 septembre Caroline @ Montréal 15h30

17 septembre Edmonton @ Montréal 19h30

24 septembre Montréal @ Atlanta

There's a lot of space for the V Cup in April/May but schedule gets packed later on.

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Home dates...to get to Montreal on....

23 avril Tampa Bay @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

14 mai Caroline @Montréal 14h30 Saturday

4 juin Edmonton @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

18 juin Miami @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

29 juin Porto Rico @ Montréal 19h30 Wednesday

13 juillet Miami @ Montréal 19h30 Sunday

17 juillet Atlanta @ Montréal 15h30 Thursday

31 juillet Porto Rico @ Montréal 14h30 Sunday

6 août Minnesota @ Montréal 19h30

10 août Tampa Bay @ Montréal 19h30 Wednesday

14 août Atlanta @ Montréal14h30 Sunday

20 août Minnesota @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

11 septembre Caroline @ Montréal 15h30 Sunday

17 septembre Edmonton @ Montréal 19h30 Saturday

Horrible schedule dates for me ... much prefer to see some Thursday night games way to many saturday afternoons for my liking... give me warm summer nights in Montreal to watch the game...hopefully Thursday will get filled with Voyageur Cup games...

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For those of us who have no understanding of the legality of it, whats to stop the NASL from holding a season, but making it an exhibition season? Is there some rule in the greater pro sport handbook that states that you must be sanctioned by a governing body for it to mean something?

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Now I may be way off here, so correct me if I am...

but I've only just now realized that NASL has been denied sanctioning as Division 2. That is to say, I don't think their not sanctioned to operate by the USSF just that the USSF backed off of calling them the second division rather than USL. Is that not what's happened?

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Now I may be way off here, so correct me if I am...

but I've only just now realized that NASL has been denied sanctioning as Division 2. That is to say, I don't think their not sanctioned to operate by the USSF just that the USSF backed off of calling them the second division rather than USL. Is that not what's happened?

No because the NASL has said Division II or bust, and Nathan asked if they could just truck ahead and play unsanctioned.

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hmmm.. makes me wonder though if the NASL will go to official D3 status, but still claim that they're unofficially D2 (or at least have D2 level teams/players). Seems kinda like a waste of money and resources though. That would be a SERIOUS power move by NASL if they went ahead unsanctioned... USSF would be peeved, and there would be a whole lot of black-balled players, coaches and teams...

EDIT: Also it would be nice for FCE or NASL to give some times of the games.

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From the NASL statement January 21: "Despite this decision, the NASL understands that it may resubmit its application for sanctioning. The NASL intends to work closely with the USSF to resolve the USSF's concerns and resubmit its application as soon as possible in order to be sanctioned at the USSF Annual General Meeting to be held on February 11 - 12. The NASL will not pursue sanctioning as any other division under the USSF bylaws."

NASL CEO Aaron Davidson Optimistic about Division 2 Sanctioning - Inside Minnesota Soccer

“We’ve supplemented our application,” declared Davidson. “We’ve provided the federation with what we believe was the missing information. We feel we live up to the standards of second division as they were set forth in October."

I have little doubt the NASL will be sanctioned and the 2011 season will proceed. I doubt very much that the USSF would precipitate the public humiliation and embarrassment that a collapse at this late stage of the only current hope of a national D2 league they have for now would bring about. Too many good people have too much at stake and are working too hard to make it all work.

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Yeah, bit sticky for the USSF, whatever their agenda.

With or without Div II sanctioning the NASL will operate this season and I'd expect it has enough legitimate partners to do so going into the future.

From a Canadian prospective as Vancouver and Montreal have both stated a commitment to keeping a NASL franchise afloat (for their own purposes) these MLS parents add some legitimacy to the league regardless of what the USSF does or does not do.

Very much doubt the USSF wants an "outlaw" league operating in complete indifference to them, especially a league with creditable organizations backing it. Looks really bad and somewhat disarms the USSF authority in all things soccer doesn't it?

Sanctioning the league might seem as the lesser of two evils as far as the USSF is concerned and a fair concession as far as the general public is concerned at this point.

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Home dates...to get to Montreal on....

23 avril Tampa Bay @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

14 mai Caroline @Montréal 14h30 Saturday

4 juin Edmonton @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

18 juin Miami @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

29 juin Porto Rico @ Montréal 19h30 Wednesday

13 juillet Miami @ Montréal 19h30 Sunday

17 juillet Atlanta @ Montréal 15h30 Thursday

31 juillet Porto Rico @ Montréal 14h30 Sunday

6 août Minnesota @ Montréal 19h30

10 août Tampa Bay @ Montréal 19h30 Wednesday

14 août Atlanta @ Montréal14h30 Sunday

20 août Minnesota @ Montréal 14h30 Saturday

11 septembre Caroline @ Montréal 15h30 Sunday

17 septembre Edmonton @ Montréal 19h30 Saturday

Horrible schedule dates for me ... much prefer to see some Thursday night games way to many saturday afternoons for my liking... give me warm summer nights in Montreal to watch the game...hopefully Thursday will get filled with Voyageur Cup games...


That's funny, since for me as an out-of-town supporter, Saturday afternoon is absolutely the perfect time for me to make matches -- the old standby of Friday night, Sunday afternoon had me fighting Ottawa traffic on Fridays, and driving home in the dark on Sundays. I hope this is the year I can get back to regularly attending matches. Assuming there is actually a league.

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