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Ian Bridge resigns from the U17 N.T.

The Ref

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It seems that the CSA wanted to get rid of any remnants of the ill fated Pellerud regime. I personally have good opinions of Bridge and all his accomplishments. I can't say the same about Pellerud and the CSA. All in all I find it shameful that Morace only talked to Bridge twice in a full year's time.

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He said twice meaningfully, so I imagine it was probably much more but usually about the weather, etc.

In a professional environment it's difficult to be a member of a small group and not in the inner circle. If you're respected and given license and a good amount of arms-length autonomy you can thrive and survive throughout regime changes. But if you're left isolated without it then it's just a matter of time. He's a bright man. Compared to the women and 20's the 17's have an absolute nightmare qualification tournament and he probably saw the writing on the wall of coming home in March and being released for failure to deliver results. I can't really blame him for wanting to go out on his own terms and not like that.

He will have no problem whatsoever finding a better salary and commitment, and I hope he finds a great slice of heaven somewhere and wish him all the best.

I wonder what the plan is now to help these kids overcome this drama and what they're up against in their tournament? We'll have a little money saved from Bridge's salary. It would be nice if we could get them some more time together to work as a team.

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Finally CSA does something right. A short term contract is all Bridgey desreves. We should not keep rewarding these CSA staff coaches that have produced little or no results. These coaches have been milking the fact that they were part of Canada 86 for years. Good riddance!!!. Of course Carolina won't talk to these guys. She's the real deal. She comes from a soccer culture. She truly knows the game and has played at the highest level. I say that we get rid of all of these pretenders and get some new blood in there. There are many capable coaches in Canada. Give them the chance. They certainly couldn't do any worse.

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quote:Originally posted by terpfan68

Does she have any real power then? I doubt if Pellerud would have put up with not being "consulted".

I would say that the 2 programs under her direct control, yes, she has enormous influence.

for some reason, the u17 was not given to her to run from the very beginning.

It's a very odd situation and doesn't appear, from the outside looking in, that this is being managed as well as possible. That being said, Morace has bigger fish to fry with the u20's qualifying campaign so I'm not sure how she would manage to install her own handpicked head coach for the U17s right now, especially if, as speculated, Andrea was her choice for the job. Andrea will be with her and the U20s, gaining valuable experience. However, I feel pretty confident that "Dr. Death" is not likely her 1st choice to be taking over this team at this time.

it's an interesting little drama playing out but not overly important, in fairness.

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Lost in Ian Bridge's comments was the CONCACAF qualifiers are less than two months away and they've never left the country or played a single international game.

The CONCACAF U17 tournament in Costa Rica is in their hottest and driest season. These girls are playing indoor, on turf, and in the cool air of a bubble in Toronto.

The U20's are on their third international prep camp.

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