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Olympic Stadium in Montreal


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1976 Olympic soccer final as nearly 72,000 witnessed East Germany´s 3-1 win over Poland. I think it is a record in the story of the amount of spectators who were witnesses in a soccer stadium in Canada. The olympic Stadium in Montreal is emblematic . Will this Stadium be included in the U-20 World Cup Canada 2007?

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quote:Originally posted by jagum

1976 Olympic soccer final as nearly 72,000 witnessed East Germany´s 3-1 win over Poland. I think it is a record in the story of the amount of spectators who were witnesses in a soccer stadium in Canada. The olympic Stadium in Montreal is emblematic . Will this Stadium be included in the U-20 World Cup Canada 2007?

It should. Add field turf and it's ready to go. It also saw huge crowds in the early 80's to watch the local pro team of the time. Average 23K per game, play-off crowds in the 50K range.

But it looks like Molson Stadium, probably the best stadium in the country for soccer right now will be used. It seats 20K, is in a great location with the city skyline as a backdrop. It has what they call character. Something the MLS stadium (Pogey Park) in Toronto will be lacking in buckets.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

It should. Add field turf and it's ready to go. It also saw huge crowds in the early 80's to watch the local pro team of the time. Average 23K per game, play-off crowds in the 50K range.

But it looks like Molson Stadium, probably the best stadium in the country for soccer right now will be used. It seats 20K, is in a great location with the city skyline as a backdrop. It has what they call character. Something the MLS stadium (Pogey Park) in Toronto will be lacking in buckets.

I must say that short of a new Stadium, McGill Stadium is the best option for this tournament. It's a great facility, especially since they renovated it two or three year ago. It's just too bad it's so hard to deal with the University in using the Stadium as I would like to see more events staged there.
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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

It should. Add field turf and it's ready to go.

Umm, it DID have field turf when the Expos played there.

Not astroturf, the real field turf.

However there are other reasons why the WYC won't be played there.

I'm assuming cost, the unlikeliness of a sellout for soccer, and

better venues elsewhere as probable reasons. Don't forget it was

also falling apart a few years back. ( And it cost $80,000 per day

to rent it in 1979 ... IRCC)

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

Umm, it DID have field turf when the Expos played there.

Not astroturf, the real field turf.

I think it was the first stadium to have the FieldTurf 'tray' system that is now found in the SkyDome as well.

From what I remember, the Big Owe's turf was sold to BC Place after the Expos skipped town.

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

I think it was the first stadium to have the FieldTurf 'tray' system that is now found in the SkyDome as well.

From what I remember, the Big Owe's turf was sold to BC Place after the Expos skipped town.

That's exactly what happened. That's why the last year's Als games that were played in the Big Owe were played on their really old, totally crap, totally worn out astroturf. The Big Owe was the Big Ouch!


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Thanks for the clarification. It's a shame about the facility,

but Molson or CCR would provide a warmer atmosphere. Organizers of the

WYC would be well reminded of the empty bleachers in Canada's

games in Argentina (2001).

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quote:But it looks like Molson Stadium, probably the best stadium in the country for soccer right now will be used. It seats 20K, is in a great location with the city skyline as a backdrop. It has what they call character. Something the MLS stadium (Pogey Park) in Toronto will be lacking in buckets.

Actually Pogey Park will have the same features, fieldturf and the city skyline as a backdrop.

McGill stadium has permament football lines etched in the fieldturf surface, as far as I know no way of removing them for the tourney.

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quote:Originally posted by Jarrek

Actually Pogey Park will have the same features, fieldturf and the city skyline as a backdrop.

McGill stadium has permament football lines etched in the fieldturf surface, as far as I know no way of removing them for the tourney.

There is talk of a 400,000 dollar new surface to be installed as will the case in Ottawa.

The Big OWE has a roof and underground parking. Which Pogey Park lacks.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

why are you being a troll? And if Pogey Park can't be built, then the Skydome comes into play...underground parking and a roof. a RECTRACTABLE roof to BOOT.

If you believe I'm trolling, then please, illuminate me as to which of the WYC stadia has both a roof and underground parking.

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

If you believe I'm trolling, then please, illuminate me as to which of the WYC stadia has both a roof and underground parking.

I don't have too- cause I've never said that any of the stadiums have a roof.

you're being a Troll.

And not only that, but your constant calling me a troll is harrassment. Exchange the word troll for Jew and it'd be racist.

"First they came for the scarf crowd and I did nothing, then they came for the trolls and I did nothing and then Sports Radio came for the soccer fans and they was no left to stand up for me!"

You simply can't call someone a name cause they don't agree with you. It shows your lack of class and ability to defend your points.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

I don't have too- cause I've never said that any of the stadiums have a roof.

you're being a Troll.

And not only that, but your constant calling me a troll is harrassment. Exchange the word troll for Jew and it'd be racist.

"First they came for the scarf crowd and I did nothing, then they came for the trolls and I did nothing and then Sports Radio came for the soccer fans and they was no left to stand up for me!"

You simply can't call someone a name cause they don't agree with you. It shows your lack of class and ability to defend your points.

Funny. I used to call you a troll all the time, up until the thread that Jarrek started which caled for your banning. In that thread, I stated that would no longer respond to any of your posts unless they were constructive.

The thread: http://thevoyageurs.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9124&whichpage=2&SearchTerms=G-Man

quote:You're right, of course. His baiting tactics work on me to a 'tee'. Maybe it's because G-Man appears to be an intelligent person hellbent on winding people up, rather than a true idiot (in the literal sense of the word) who is completely clueless.

So let the record show, that as of this post, I am no longer responding to anything G-Man posts on this board, unless he pulls a 180 and become a constructive poster.

In the time since, I have responded only to posts that were non-baiting and valid (in my eyes), and I have refrained from calling you a troll or otherwise.

So it's rather humourous to me that only now, nearly a month after the 'should G-Man be banned' thread, you're acting all hurt and indignant, despite me never calling you a troll or anything similar in this thread or any other since that day.

If no one else has anything else to add on this subject, this will be all I have to say on the matter.

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