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MORE Congrats in Order

Guest Ed

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Julian de Guzman is a proud Dad as of Wednesday. Congrats to "Juli" as they call him at the Hannover site & Rahel on the birth of baby girl "Liya-Sade".

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Hot damn, they aren't married?

Sorry--I'm generally careful not to assume such things. My wife and I have been married for nearly a year, but we lived together for 8 years before we got married. We never thought we'd get married and intended to have enough kids to field a soccer team all the same, but for some reason we changed our minds and got hitched last August. Our baby is due in 3 weeks. We are calling him The Dude for now. All this to say that maybe some day The Dude will hook up with Liya-Sade and make soccer babies of their own. (Am I getting a head of myself?) ;)

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