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Pro Soccer Success, A Notion


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Right-on Gerry!!!!!!!!! I've always believed in you. You should start speaking-up more loudly against the CSA. You could be our silent/voiceterous opposition toward Kevan Pipe and Andy Sharpe. Don't let those bastards come in ruin your 3-year hard work of which you did for pro-soccer in this country. I've always believed on the 3 important concepts: CUSL, almalgamation of the provincial leagues, Open-Cup competition, women's league (W-CPSL), etc...

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quote:Originally posted by Krammerhead

It's doomed to failure if they call it the CUSL. Stupid name, might as well call it the Canadian United National Teams of Soccer.

I'm sorry Krammerhead!!!!!!!! It's not a failure. The only failure here is Kevan Pipe, Andy (reject) Sharpe and Frank Yallop with their pathetic obsession of MLS. I wish that these morons fly away from this world.
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I didn't read the article, I'm just sick of the name "CUSL". The CUSL is too closely associated with the USL. That old plan was to have a Canadain league be a part of the american USL. Whats the point in that? Might as well just stay in the A-League. A new Canadian league would be great, just don't associate it with the USL by calling it the CUSL.

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And as G-String may say, why learn to get an edumacation, I'm fine being as illiterate, incompetant and moronic as I am. Please send me some feild (sp) turf.

Actually on the way to the Whitecaps game tonight there was a turd in the back of the car on the skytrain. I actually thought G-Man was on the way to a real soccer game for once.

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quote:Originally posted by Rocket Robin

Krammerhead, I thought you weren't going to any more Whitecaps games because of their dull play?

That boycott lasted, what, one game? What made you change your mind?

That's what we all thought.

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Glad to see you guys all so interested in whether or not I go to Whitecaps games.

The reason I went to the game was simple. As I was leaving the Guatemala game other southsiders said "see you at the Caps game". After I told them I wasn't going to any more this season they asked me to reconsider. So I went to last nights game, not because of a great need or desire to watch the Whitecaps but because the southsiders wanted me to attend. The southsiders are a great group of people to hang around with, I didn't go there for the soccer. Afterall isn't that the Whitecaps (and most A-League teams) intention to have people go to the park for every reason but the soccer game?

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quote:Originally posted by Krammerhead

So I went to last nights game, not because of a great need or desire to watch the Whitecaps but because the southsiders wanted me to attend.

All hail the self important king of the south siders. as they say "If you can't argue an argument, then attack the messenger"

At least try to be witty Krammerfeild. Your legions of fans deserve better even of they do only hang out in your imagination.

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Canadian soocer needs to be nationwide from Vancouver to St Johns, it's needs owners that care for the sport instead of making a quick buck. It' needs decent stadiums to play in, minimum 10,000 seats.

A tv contract with Sportsnet would help the cause, as would major sponsor's. as far as a name for the league? Canadian Premier Soccer


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Hey cooks. I agree. I just wish Krammerfeild would be a man about things and stick to the discussion before degrading himself and the entire soccer community with his homophobia and potty talk.

I think this country cannot support a league based on the A-league economic reality. I can’t see towns like Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Halifax drawing 7K a game.

I think the PDL model would work better and I also think having kids at games is a good thing. And for this I get called a cock sucker, a turd and even worse a Conservative.

I was hoping the moderator would intervene but I guess not.

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

The money's in commercials spliced in to the Premier League games!

/bitter rant.

Unfortunately thats true.

As has been mentioned numerous times, A-League teams actually pay to get on FSW, they try to recoup the losses by selling ad-space during the broadcast. It would be the same for any Canadian league, television stations will not be fighting over getting the rights to broadcast it, the league would have to pay to broadcast the games.

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I remember the Old CSL days when the lague would pay TSN to broadcast games and let TSN keep the ad money. I think it was 14K a game or something silly. I think the rating where something in the 12 thousand range for the entire country.

And Dale Barnes was a drunken god. Hic.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

lets start from another thread:(this directed at me)

"In your case it's give them enough cock and they choke themselves."

just admit the meds ran out and you had a melt down and say sorry..

So, had I used the word "vagina" or "pu$$y" instead of the word "cock" I would therefore be uttering heterophobic comments? Of course not, which is what makes your claim of homophobia laughable.

Homophobia is a fear or hatred of homosexuals. In no post did I mention homosexuals, neither a hatred of them or a fear of them.

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quote:Originally posted by Krammerhead

As has been mentioned numerous times, A-League teams actually pay to get on FSW, they try to recoup the losses by selling ad-space during the broadcast. It would be the same for any Canadian league, television stations will not be fighting over getting the rights to broadcast it, the league would have to pay to broadcast the games.

And of course it has been pointed out before that the NFL had to do the same thing when they started. Yep the National Football League had to pay to be on TV at the beginning and look at the coverage they get now.

It would cost app. $30k per show to produce and I cannot see a network refusing a deal that provided them with free programming and a potential fan base with valuable demographics as Gerry described.


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Moderators, you may want to rename this thread 'childish crap nobody wants to read'.

That way I don't waste my time thinking someone actually posted something topical.

On topic - I've spoken to Gerry about his philosophy. Although I agree that soccer represents a large number of people in a prime demographic, I don't think we are unified enough to demand high sponsorship fees. We are still too fractured. Every provincial associated holds their demographics information tight to their vests - it's as if they know the info is valuable but they don't know what to do with it.

What the CUSL was trying to do was consolidate all this information and take it to sponsors and say - 'you want to reach these people, you have to come through us and you're going to pay for it' A bold idea but it needs cooperation from many levels - something we don't have.

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

Hey cooks. I agree. I just wish Krammerfeild would be a man about things and stick to the discussion before degrading himself and the entire soccer community with his homophobia and potty talk.

South-side agg-ro!

Get Bent! K. is definetally not homophobic and if he is, that's not the point, anyway he's more of a hippie.;)

quote:Originally posted by G-Man

I think this country cannot support a league based on the A-league economic reality. I can’t see towns like Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Halifax drawing 7K a game.

The CFL almost hung themselves by adding American teams. Face it. A lot of Canadians (like me) won't support a mostly American League. The CFL did a great all-Canadian marketing campaign, playing with the differences of each city, and it did wonders. Look at the playoff attendances last year.

A competitive league, with regional flavou r...7k a game in an ALL CANADIAN LEAGUE is a reasonalble expectation for those cities.(with the right managements, media coverage, sponsorships, ect, ect)

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