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Ian Hume... has gone off his rocker


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Alright, this is going to seem completely absurd... but I was on twitter the other day and as I follow a number of CMNT players I happened to stumble upon Ian Humes profile... and while looking at some of his posts I happened to notice that under his "Recent Images" section..... ermm theres a picture of a fully nude black kid... I kid you not full tackle and everything showing with the caption "Where the Hoes at?". Now I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, maybe someone hacked his account. And its also quite possible that I might be seeing things because its 3 in the morning... But if someone could shed some light on why this is there, or why it would be appropriate for someone who should be a role model to post disgraceful crap like this... it's beyond me.

If anyone is interested in seeing what hume has posted here's a link to his profile


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Lol yeah sorry if I made it sound like the world is ending, it just caught me off guard. And the microscope thing does make sense, its not like its Christine sinclair posting pics... cause that might be a little too much...

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Easy there. It's just a meme - Hume is not a peddler of child porn. I don't think Hume is under the microscope enough to warrant the "think of the children" responses.

Somebody please think of the children!

Yeah, actually I think he is "under the microscope"... perhaps not here in Canada, but most teams in England (even at the lower divs) would have enough of a following that something like that would get noticed... oh, wait a minute... he's currently unemployed... never mind! lol :P

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My friend had this same pic up, posted it on facebook. I thought he was nuts, too! It's a stupid meme. I've seen it in many reposts now, actually. He must have found it funny. No big. Personally I thought it was dumb.

Opening the "madmonte's friend has gone off his rocker!" thread now.

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