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BC Place renderings: Space Mountain!

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Guest Jeffery S.

The design is pretty kitchy, which is standard for Vancouver, the city with the most laughable public library in the world. And Canada Place, those sails are just so dumb it is embarrassing. Why is it so hard just to build a piece of contemporary architecture without trying to tell little stupid stories with it, in this case a sort of Great White Teenage Whore Crown. We are not going to describe it to our kids as a juicy bedtime story about a nasty princess, we're going to see sport in it.

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quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

The design is pretty kitchy, which is standard for Vancouver, the city with the most laughable public library in the world. And Canada Place, those sails are just so dumb it is embarrassing. Why is it so hard just to build a piece of contemporary architecture without trying to tell little stupid stories with it, in this case a sort of Great White Teenage Whore Crown. We are not going to describe it to our kids as a juicy bedtime story about a nasty princess, we're going to see sport in it.

Is that why you live in Spain? [:P]

I think those sails are pretty much synonymous with the Vancouver waterfront by now. It's not the Sydney opera house by any means but it is a distinct feature of the Vancouver landscape. However, Vancouver does have a lot to learn architecturally and I think it is finally improving somewhat.

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One wonders how this new Roof for Vancouver can be adapted to handle the weight of snow load cause the CommerzBank arena roof is not designed to hold snow, which is why that stadium is closed between October and March, as is Montreal's Olympic (same reason).

I would assume, since BC Place will be used during winter months, the membrane for our roof will have to be of a stronger material.

They could also install heating coils on the roof in winter months to melt the snow, much like they use in some house driveways installed underneath the pavement to keep it clear of snow.

Nevertheless, it's Koch Hightex of Germany that is doing the design.

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I think there is little doubt snow load has been taken into consideration by the engineers and nobody will be saying after the first snowfall, oh dear, why didn't somebody tell us! This is Canada, even if Vancouverites feel somewhat distant, dare I say aloof, from the rest of the country :)

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by Danny Boy

Is that why you live in Spain? [:P]

I think those sails are pretty much synonymous with the Vancouver waterfront by now. It's not the Sydney opera house by any means but it is a distinct feature of the Vancouver landscape. However, Vancouver does have a lot to learn architecturally and I think it is finally improving somewhat.

Okay, the sails are acceptable, a bit overstated (like Sydney, I mean it is an ugly building, it is an effective monument but not objectively attractive).

Vancouver thinks because the setting is spectacular they don't have to worry about public architecture quality, when they forget they are not a beautiful city, just a city in a beautiful place.

As long as it is comfortable inside and the pitch is grass-smelling I'd be happy with the solution, though of course it would be big for MLS, we could expect up to 35,000 max for Whitecaps, maybe a bit more if we were to make semis or something. But I am sure Whitecaps will be have the biggest crowds in MLS if they do this.

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quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

Vancouver thinks because the setting is spectacular they don't have to worry about public architecture quality, when they forget they are not a beautiful city, just a city in a beautiful place.

I totally agree with this statement. It we took away the mountains and waterfront it would really be a bland city.

quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

we could expect up to 35,000 max for Whitecaps, maybe a bit more if we were to make semis or something. But I am sure Whitecaps will be have the biggest crowds in MLS if they do this.

Wow that's optimistic. I can't see there being more than 25k on a good day.

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quote:I totally agree with this statement. It we took away the mountains and waterfront it would really be a bland city.

Not to mention flat.

quote:Wow that's optimistic. I can't see there being more than 25k on a good day.

I believe he's saying that there could be the rare crowd of no bigger that 35,000, not average crowds.

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quote:I totally agree with this statement. It we took away the mountains and waterfront it would really be a bland city.

Not to mention flat.

quote:Wow that's optimistic. I can't see there being more than 25k on a good day.

I believe he's saying that there could be the rare crowd of no bigger that 35,000, not average crowds.

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Guest Jeffery S.

I remember how many of us went to Empire for NASL matches, you often had 20-30 thousand, and of course back then the whole Beckham-type phenomenon was common, you were always drawing to see this or that, as you had Pele, then Cruyff (I saw Cruyff when he was with Diplomats and still remember the most amazing ball control, in midfield, a rocket pass to him, horizontal and head high, and at full speed he nodded it with his head right onto his foot in full control as he continued to fly forward with it on his feet). There is no reason Caps could not get back to those figures, which would make the team the biggest in terms of fans in MLS.

A crowd gets built up over time and obviously the product and the type of stadium you have at Swangard (the track, limited stands, and all those irritating trees making all so sombre and damp and depressing, I can look at bloody conifers anytime, I can't say Burnaby can stick their stupid conifers where the sun don't shine because that is where they are now), make it all rather modest now, though I think if the stadium were bigger they would actually get more fans in. And if there were no track as well, right now Caps in a downtown stadium like the waterfront one planned, forgetting about MLS, would get a few thousand more.

The whole idea of CFL lines sure grates though, what a terrible thoght, eh?

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quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

The design is pretty kitchy, which is standard for Vancouver, the city with the most laughable public library in the world. And Canada Place, those sails are just so dumb it is embarrassing. Why is it so hard just to build a piece of contemporary architecture without trying to tell little stupid stories with it, in this case a sort of Great White Teenage Whore Crown. We are not going to describe it to our kids as a juicy bedtime story about a nasty princess, we're going to see sport in it.

thank god you don't live here anymore. you've got self-hater written all over you. you seem way out of touch with Vancouver, my friend. Or are you just a bitchy architect waiting for his first real job? [xx(]

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Is that Barcelona guy someone that everyone on here knows except me? Is he being sarcastic or does he really feel that way? I've never heard of anyone finding trees irritating before. When I go to Swangard, I watch the match, I don't stare at the trees waiting for them to do something irritating.

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