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CIS - hidden talent question


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When going to university in New Brunswick and Victoria, I used to go watch CIS mens games. The really talented players stood out, I wonder if any of the big three clubs are looking at universities for hidden talent. I know Canadian players head south for the scholarships, but not all of them go. Any thoughts?

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I've only seen 2 CIS games in the past couple of years but the quality of play, from what I've seen, is pretty good. Actually surprisingly good.

I would think that a pro team would look EVERYWHERE for viable talent, including CIS teams. I hear TFC does a lot of scouting at Wilfred Laurier games...LOL...for those that don't know, Maclean is the head coach of the men's and women's teams at WLU and is the "pet" agent for TFC...TFC fans can "thank" him to some degree for our bumper crop of quality new talent for 2008

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CIS quality at the top is very good. You may recall that the CIS team selected to play at the World University Games in Thailand last summer had the highest ever world finish of any Canadian men's team...4th in the world. They were an injury time goal away from the gold medal game and a shootout goal away from a bronze medal.

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Evan Milward from the U of Toronto Blues just signed with the Rochester Rhinos.

He also played in the CSL with the Lions and some reserve games for TFC.

Good to see some CIS talent getting the opportunity

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