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Champions League Semi-Finals [ R ]


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I'll leave it to all the technical guys to break the game down for me. But to a viewer from afar this was a good game. Entertaining and tense. Shows that 1-0 game can have drama.

Now if Milan can beat the snot outta ManUre.....

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Guest Jeffery S.

Couldn't believe how nuts I was when Agger scored, I surprised myself.

Reina had an amazing penalty stopping record at Vilareal as well, I think in league games for them he stopped more than 50%. And watch how he does it, he relaxes, waits, and then reacts. Very talented.

Can't say I care who they meet, but I think as a point of prestige for Liverpool to beat Chelsea in semis and Manchester in the final would be huge. And it would avoid having to meet a team looking for revenge, which is always dangerous.

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Exciting match, although a bit like a 1950s cup final with the endless long-balls. Hard to believe how crap Chelsea was but I guess they were still not recovered from last weekend's screw-up against Bolton.

Nice quadruple Chelsea! :D

Today's match should be much more fun for the neutral. Man Utd's back-line is still in shambles with injuries, suspensions and unfit players just returning from injury. Milan's back-line is simply too slow! So expect goals.

Milan should win, but given their history of choking I'll predict 2-2.

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quote:Originally posted by RJB

Milan is going to destroy Liverpool. This is the matchup that they wanted because they want to avenge the 2005 Champions League Final.

It's also the matchup Liverpool wanted. No-way did they wanna play Man United in the final!

And any idiot should know better than to write-off Liverpool. They've already crushed Barcelona and allowed Chelsea nothing -- 2 teams superior to AC Milan. Who did Milan beat? A severely understrength United, the 4th best team in Germany and Celtic.

Man United really missed Roy Keane today. Milan's attack is actually quite feeble. They have maybe the best player in the World, Kaka', and ... ???? ... uhhh... after that the well is pretty dry. Liverpool have the center defence and midfield to slow down Kaka'.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by amacpher

It's also the matchup Liverpool wanted. No-way did they wanna play Man United in the final!

I think you are right, but in the end it is all about prestige. And beating ManU in the Champions final would have been more prestigious for Liverpool than beating Milan again. Not because Milan is weak, but because ManU will win Premiership this year, is considered by most to be a better side based on league play, and is a direct longstanding rival for Liverpool.

Last year, as much as I like Vilareal, I was hoping they would NOT get into the Champions final. Because I felt that if Barça was going to win it, there would be way more prestige taking it from Arsenal.

In any case, since Milan has the revenge factor, which is a huge motivator, I would give them the edge. Liverpool as underdogs, the perfect scenario for the sixth in ancient Greece.

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quote:Originally posted by Jeffrey S.

I think you are right, but in the end it is all about prestige. And beating ManU in the Champions final would have been more prestigious for Liverpool than beating Milan again. Not because Milan is weak, but because ManU will win Premiership this year, is considered by most to be a better side based on league play, and is a direct longstanding rival for Liverpool.

Yes, but Liverpool would never live down a CL final loss to Man U.

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quote:Originally posted by Massive Attack

Liverpool's fate rests on whether the referee will fall for the ensuing Gerrard dive.

No need to rely on that. Surely Gattuso will be in jail by the 23rd of May. He's overdue as it is.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by amacpher

Yes, but Liverpool would never live down a CL final loss to Man U.

Exactly, it would have been the higher risk match. And if you win it the bragging rights are amazing. So would have been a better rival.

The only good thing is that Milan is talking revenge, and Gattuso is foolishly insulting the Liverpool game. I think psychologically Benítez is watching how he is getting the edge already.

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