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quote:Originally posted by aussoccerfan

what is that a picture of ?

Actually, the concept of the "Ultras" is that of extremm in-your-face-fans of a soccer team who go to great lengths to make large intimidating displays of support for the team and against the other team. Highlights of this are large banners and flags passed amongst the crowds, flares and other pyrotechnic displays, and general rowdy jeering and cheering.

The term "Ultras", I think, originally comes from the radical supporters of Real Madrid. Other supporters groups have various names. Know this about Spanish supporters (and Jeffrey, correct me if I 'm wrong)- they are not hooligans, such as some supporters of English, German and Dutch teams, as the Spanish tend to be a bit more discriminating, at least about their foootball and their support of same. Some may accuse the Ultras of being the next thing to hooligans, but that is unfair. They tend to be a little self-deprecating and have a better sense of humour. At their best, these groups have some great visual displays in the stands, at the apex of this are probably the rival displays of the Lazio and Roma supporters during the derbys in their shared Olympic Stadium in Rome. But don't walk among any of this types after the match!

The picture above shows the Lynx Ultras in their yellow jerseys, with red flares in the background. The drawing in the middle is of Che Guevara, the communist revolutionary of the 1960's who, although originally from Argentina, helped Fidel Castro win the overthrow of the US supported rightwing dictatorship in Cuba and later went on to try the same thing in Bolivia, only to come to an unsuccesful and ignominious death. The image of Guevara has been taken over from the Marxistts by any in-your-face-attitude-group taht pretends to be revolutionary before being co-opted by the system like everybody else (skateboarders, rappers, whathaveyou), and has the advantage of being foreveryoung (unlike his wornout comrade, decrepit Fidel). The idea is: we're raising hell and we don't care what anybody thinks.

Sounds like fun eh?[8D] I know that I'd like to join them, even of it means watching the Lynx.

These guys are so in-your-face ;)that they seem to be fighting over each other as to who should have the "official" website! What would Solidarity Che think, pray tell?

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quote:Originally posted by aussoccerfan

what is that a picture of ?

Actually, the concept of the "Ultras" is that of extremm in-your-face-fans of a soccer team who go to great lengths to make large intimidating displays of support for the team and against the other team. Highlights of this are large banners and flags passed amongst the crowds, flares and other pyrotechnic displays, and general rowdy jeering and cheering.

The term "Ultras", I think, originally comes from the radical supporters of Real Madrid. Other supporters groups have various names. Know this about Spanish supporters (and Jeffrey, correct me if I 'm wrong)- they are not hooligans, such as some supporters of English, German and Dutch teams, as the Spanish tend to be a bit more discriminating, at least about their foootball and their support of same. Some may accuse the Ultras of being the next thing to hooligans, but that is unfair. They tend to be a little self-deprecating and have a better sense of humour. At their best, these groups have some great visual displays in the stands, at the apex of this are probably the rival displays of the Lazio and Roma supporters during the derbys in their shared Olympic Stadium in Rome. But don't walk among any of this types after the match!

The picture above shows the Lynx Ultras in their yellow jerseys, with red flares in the background. The drawing in the middle is of Che Guevara, the communist revolutionary of the 1960's who, although originally from Argentina, helped Fidel Castro win the overthrow of the US supported rightwing dictatorship in Cuba and later went on to try the same thing in Bolivia, only to come to an unsuccesful and ignominious death. The image of Guevara has been taken over from the Marxistts by any in-your-face-attitude-group taht pretends to be revolutionary before being co-opted by the system like everybody else (skateboarders, rappers, whathaveyou), and has the advantage of being foreveryoung (unlike his wornout comrade, decrepit Fidel). The idea is: we're raising hell and we don't care what anybody thinks.

Sounds like fun eh?[8D] I know that I'd like to join them, even of it means watching the Lynx.

These guys are so in-your-face ;)that they seem to be fighting over each other as to who should have the "official" website! What would Solidarity Che think, pray tell?

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quote:Originally posted by beachesl

Actually, the concept of the "Ultras" is that of extremm in-your-face-fans of a soccer team who go to great lengths to make large intimidating displays of support for the team and against the other team. Highlights of this are large banners and flags passed amongst the crowds, flares and other pyrotechnic displays, and general rowdy jeering and cheering.

The term "Ultras", I think, originally comes from the radical supporters of Real Madrid. Other supporters groups have various names. Know this about Spanish supporters (and Jeffrey, correct me if I 'm wrong)- they are not hooligans, such as some supporters of English, German and Dutch teams, as the Spanish tend to be a bit more discriminating, at least about their foootball and their support of same. Some may accuse the Ultras of being the next thing to hooligans, but that is unfair. They tend to be a little self-deprecating and have a better sense of humour. At their best, these groups have some great visual displays in the stands, at the apex of this are probably the rival displays of the Lazio and Roma supporters during the derbys in their shared Olympic Stadium in Rome. But don't walk among any of this types after the match!

The picture above shows the Lynx Ultras in their yellow jerseys, with red flares in the background. The drawing in the middle is of Che Guevara, the communist revolutionary of the 1960's who, although originally from Argentina, helped Fidel Castro win the overthrow of the US supported rightwing dictatorship in Cuba and later went on to try the same thing in Bolivia, only to come to an unsuccesful and ignominious death. The image of Guevara has been taken over from the Marxistts by any in-your-face-attitude-group taht pretends to be revolutionary before being co-opted by the system like everybody else (skateboarders, rappers, whathaveyou), and has the advantage of being foreveryoung (unlike his wornout comrade, decrepit Fidel). The idea is: we're raising hell and we don't care what anybody thinks.

Sounds like fun eh?[8D] I know that I'd like to join them, even of it means watching the Lynx.

These guys are so in-your-face ;)that they seem to be fighting over each other as to who should have the "official" website! What would Solidarity Che think, pray tell?

Che enjoys it best when Sean Keay brings out the nipples. Unfortunately, he doesn't wait for periods of "elongated idleness" to go tits up. That's 'cause he's one bad ass bad ooltra.

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and may i add, the Ultras are a separate entity from the club. its not about making money, nor is it about becoming OFFICIAL to the club, those are for @SS KISSERS!!! Obviously, Nicole never understood that concept. It is not about raising trouble or hell in the stands, it all comes down to intimidation for the other club that will bring their game down, basically trying to create the 12TH MAN effect. The new OFFICIAL TORONTO LYNX SUPPORTERS CLUB [B)][8] is either going to be a marching band??? or a gimmick for gaining some perks with the clubs, good for them [:X]

Ultras show both sides of emotions, cheering and jeering. Ultras are very unbiased and will let the team know whether they are putting on a good performance (rarely happens) or a poor performance (happens all the time), not to mention, the Ultras display their USUAL:( displeasure with the organization on an ongoing basis.

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As usual, with the sched. being ALL OVER THE PLACE and with last season leaving such a sour, foul taste. I had decided to relinquish my season ducats and change, also RE-prioritize my life and put the Lynx on the very END of my list.

Therefore, i will not be taking time off from work anymore, nor will i abandon my family or friends, nor will i burden them in coming to a rinky dink stadia. my daughter takes top precendence and with my wife expecting our second child and the added purchase of a new home scheduled for next year, not to mention a few spinoff side ventures, well, lets just say, its highly unlikely that i might even catch half the games this season, say b/w 5-6 matches, if that.

so, if i do attend any games this year, i'll probably be the same 'ole vocal a-hole that likes to stir the emotions amongst the fold and show the LYNX team our continued displeasure towards another mediocre, losing season, notwithstanding, our embarassing organization that is run by the evil Nicole. Her character is a cross b/w Harold Ballard and that old lady who owned the Cincinnati Reds that croaked just recently.

PS - when i come to the games, i will look to grab the ducats a la gratis, like the majority of the spectators that take in the match.[}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

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quote:Originally posted by L.T.

1 group is now 3?

Nope, no Ultras schism here. Merely a little confusion/debate related to a website re-design (whether we need a new one already after the recent overhaul) and a little trumpeting based upon replacing our webboards with new ones. If you head to the forums link on torontoultras.net youll see it goes to the same place ultrastoronto.com goes to.

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quote:Originally posted by L.T.

Sorry guys, but I rarely saw more that a half dozen of you at a game. You are slowly making yourselves irrelevant, which is too bad.

I'm not usually one to enjoy being negative or enjoy Lynx-bashing.

However, it is the direction of the club and the drive of the management which is making us irrelevant. Whether this is purposeful or not is up for debate.

But we still have fun regardless.

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And much like Che, the Toronto Ultras are sons of the bourgeousie, about as 'hard' as DQ dairy products, but with less taste.

Shakin' in our boots out here in Mustang supporters land.

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quote:Originally posted by Ryan Keay

Nope, no Ultras schism here. Merely a little confusion/debate related to a website re-design (whether we need a new one already after the recent overhaul) and a little trumpeting based upon replacing our webboards with new ones. If you head to the forums link on torontoultras.net youll see it goes to the same place ultrastoronto.com goes to.

Glad to hear - I hope the clubs gives us something to cheer about this year

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Sorry Sean. Just a bit of pre-season banter. I always find it amusing to find Che such an icon, even some 30 odd years after being interrogated by Canada's intelligence (euphemism here) community for my ties to the 'revolutionary'.

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