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The opposite thread:

Sometimes life deals you lemons and you are unable to make lemonade.   I'm stepping away for awhile.

I've been here for a long time under a few different incarnations (close to the beginning I think, the old format, what ever it was called)  I've loved being here, it has been my main source of Canadian Soccer News.  I love the whole Canadian Soccer scene, and after almost 60 years of mostly disappointment feel that the game in Canada has a chance for major success.

Even though I have not met many of you, I consider you my friends and colleagues.

I will continue to follow the CMNT and hopefully make a few games, and I have tickets to ATO.

Like many I probably spend way too much time here 😎 and now have to put those resources elsewhere.

So maybe not goodbye, but will see what my priorities are in the fall.

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