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Voyageurs at Canada - Panama, June 14, Kansas City, MO

Lord Bob

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Was just trying to buy tickets for the Kansas City game using internet presale codes (GC11, usafan, STAND, etc). Ticketmaster is not honouring the $5 presale discount nor making tickets available by section...only letting you take "best available" (which in this case is section 101, row 11). Any chance these are the only seats available??? Or is Ticketmaster encountering technical difficulties? Any thoughts or strategies? Thanks!

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Are the Kansas City games now sold out? The Kansas City Star is reporting that Sporting KC's initial allotment of 4000 seats sold out in 24 hours ( http://www.kansascity.com/2011/03/17/2733046/sporting-news-initial-batch-of.html ) and it appears that Ticketmaster has no availability either. Any chance that the organizers are holding back tickets that might become available later on? I did manage to get 3 tickets on Wednesday (never did have any success with any of the presale codes) but was hoping to grab a couple more. Can't wait to see the new Livestrong Park!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unless you live in Winnipeg or Windsor, you won't be driving to this game.

The cheapest flight options to Kansas City from nearby US airports are :



- Detroit

each for approximately $ 300 return.

Best rates are out of

-Minneapolis (return $175 Canadian)

-Boston (return $200 Canadian)

-Chicago (return $250 Canadian)

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