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Now I know SRC has done a splendid job carrying the Impact the last little while, but I think if the Impact wants to be considered more serious in Montreal and Quebec they will make the move to RDS.

I'm not knocking the job SRC has done with the Impact, I've loved their work but I just think if RDS would pick up a part of the load from SRC the exposure of our game would grow tremendously. Just as RDS has gotten the Alouettes (CFL) to a new level in Montreal, they would be able to do the same for the Impact. For those of you who don't know the Alouettes struggled after their re-entrance to the CFL but with the help of a schedualing conflict allowing them to move to Molson Stadium and the addition of a major tv deal with RDS they have become the 2nd most popular team in Montreal.

If the Impact plan on beating or matching the popularity of the ALS they need a similar tv deal where their game would be carried primarily on RDS with extensive post and pre-game material. A step forward was the TEAM 990 grabbing some games for radio, but I believe if Joey Saputo wants to get some recognition in this town SRC is not the way to go, RDS has and always will deliver!

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I agree with Kurosawa on this one. I certainly don't remember the RDS days as the good old days. RDS is admitedly a specialized sports channel, but SRC is available free, everywhere. It's not like Impact games are being hidden away on midnight tape delays or on CBC Bold.

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quote:Originally posted by MTLcanada514

I dont mind SRC but im tired of this tape-delay BS. If next year's champions league games, both home and away, aren't on live, im going to cbc/src headquarters and causing a riot

Strictly speaking, that wasn't Montreal Impact coverage, it was the Champions League coverage that was constantly tape-delayed/online/CBC Bold. I don't remember SRC ever jerking us around on the regular-season package last season.

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