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quote:Originally posted by Dave

Probably pretty good if anyone but the CSA were managing it.

Why do you say that...do you have any reason to believe that. No offence, but I have heard a lot of talk from a lot of different people that are just making a 50/50 guess....It would be nice to learn something from your post as to why you feel his chances would be good if the CSA weren't manageing it.

I know all about the CSA's issues, but who is to say that anyother country would have this resolved within the next month.

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quote:Originally posted by Razcle

I know all about the CSA's issues, but who is to say that any other country would have this resolved within the next month.

Well, it seems a unique case and it's difficult to speculate whether another country would be having any more success in resolving it. A good investigative journalism piece on the subject would be greatly appreciated: the only thing I saw on it was in the Canucks Abroad site's Nsaliwa interview awhile back (and, once again, a big thanks to you folks for getting that interview).

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