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Excellent Brunt article on TFC


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I think that he has summed it up pretty well. But I have to believe that if the pre season trend continues into the current season, Mo wont be around in June.

There are some subtle shots at Mo and I think that most of us now know that, although he is a good salesman, his act is wearing thin when it come to his promises of grandois signings and player additions. For example, I dont even pay attention anymore when I hear things like; " We are seriously looking at a player who has played extensively in La Liga, Italy, and England but we cant tell you his name because we like to tease the fans and media". I know he didn't come out and say the last part but that is the apparent line of thinking. Also, what the hell did he do while touring South America. Looks like he found nobody he liked in the whole continent. Strange!.

All those players that were rumoured to be arriving sounded pretty good. Much better than what we currently have now. I cant believe that they cant get anybody's signature on paper even though many of those names may have been fabrications and rumours purely to sustain interest in the off season.

In terms of effectiveness and competencies, you dont want to see another Rob Babcock and Isiah Thomas environmnet set in because who are you going to be able to attract talent when there is the appearance of chaos in the way things are run.

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