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Pesch last game?


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Sadly, it looks like Pesch may have suited up for the last time for Canada. although youy never say never, its looks like like Yallop is building for the future as he should be. unless the squad is depleted with injuries it looks like he will be overlooked for selection. played well against Belize, not so much in the Semis, however cant be fully to blame for that debachle. would be nice to see him against Portugal, he is playing well with his club to warrant a call up, but not likely to happen. Thanks Pesch for 80 caps in 18 years of service to Canada and 53 caps in 12 years for the Senior team.

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quote:Originally posted by Peschfan

Sadly, it looks like Pesch may have suited up for the last time for Canada. Thanks Pesch for 80 caps in 18 years of service to Canada and 53 caps in 12 years for the Senior team.

Couldn't agree more ! I remember him as a 16 yr old CSL Rookie of the Year, tearing up the field for the Toronto Blizzard. His attacking was simply electrifying.

The best game he ever played for Canada had to be at Edmonton against Chile in the Canada Cup. He had the Chileans in a complete panick, and the turning point of the match was when he left the field injured. Canada lost momentum and Chile went on to win a close one.

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So what's his next move? About this time last year he moved from Blades to be in the starting eleven. To me it's starting to look like his competitive English career is not that far behind his international one. I wonder if he'll drop a league or two to play more regularly? Or just retire? Regardless, I hope he can use his "influence" to help a few Canadian youngsters get a look at Birmingham. Hopefully until then he has a few more goals in him to help Rams get promoted.

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