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Sportsnet and NO commercials


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I have not seen any postings re. Sportsnet's decision to discontinue the ads during their EPL matches. I , for one, am very pleased and hope that they never try anything so stupid again. I even wrote to commend them on their "change of heart", but received no reply. I do wonder if they are cooking up some other "nasty' scheme?

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quote:Originally posted by Free kick

Those matches are already tape delayed and the viewers are ( or should be) already aware of that. Therefore, I don't have a problem with commercials in these instances.

I know they are, and I don't see the difference. Whether live or taped, Sportsnet does take care to not cut out any of the action. After the commercials are shown, the viewer is brought back to the second when the match was interrupted. But the match is interrupted, nevertheless.

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quote:Originally posted by Metro

I know they are, and I don't see the difference. Whether live or taped, Sportsnet does take care to not cut out any of the action. After the commercials are shown, the viewer is brought back to the second when the match was interrupted. But the match is interrupted, nevertheless.

Actually there is no difference because all the Euro soccer games on Sportsnet are tape-delayed. EPL, La Liga... whatever. They always have been (even before interrupting games for commercials began).

On Saturdays, the EPL games actually begin at 10:00 and 12:15 ET, not 10:05 and 12:35 ET.

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