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JDG slams TFC


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I don't think either TFC or JDG come out looking very good from this interview. Obviously TFC is a poorly run team that has had a succession of poor coaches and managers and probably a pretty poor team atmosphere. On the other hand this interview does not leave one with a very good impression of JDG's attitude either. And for all his talk of being professional he does not sound at all like it. If you are going to sign a massive DP contract you have to expect that there will be high expectations of you performance wise and if you do not meet those expectations a team will try and trade you or buy you out. Don't bitch at them for the business of football when you are saying the exact same thing to them regarding paying you the full value of the contract you are not earning. There is no mea culpa here or any admission of not performing up to expectations/abilities. Nothing seems to be his fault it was the bad club/coaches etc. Not really good timing for an interview like this when you will be out of contract shortly. If I were a coach looking at signing him I would probably pass after listening to this interview.

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I'll say this much: His getting out of TO might be best for the NT. If he is enjoying football again and starting to play well every week, then we benefit from having him part of the NT squad. He's played well for the national side as of late, but I've always felt he's the ability to take it up one more notch. Playing in Dallas--in the heat!--should help us in our games vs. Panama and Honduras.

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