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Online Stream(s)

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Unfortunately I don't have the answer to this yet, so I'm hoping someone else does. I'm trying to find out from the CSA and Sportsnet if they'll be doing online streams of the games again this year. Tweeted a ton of different people so far, nothing yet.

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Heard back from the CSA. There won't be any online streams from Sportsnet apparently. Not sure if there will be anything from the CSA's site either. Guess I'll have to hope one of the local pubs here is willing to show the games despite NHL playoff hockey (don't ****ing bet on it).

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Really disappointing news, seeing that Sportsnet streamed the matches in previous years. If it's too costly a service for Sportsnet to offer for free, why not offer a pay-per-view video streaming service (e.g. $5.00 for one match, or $10 for the entire tournament)? If MLS can do it...

Anywho... will anyone be recording the matches and releasing them as torrents? Hey, if CSA/Sportsnet don't want our money through legit methods...

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