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quote:Originally posted by leafdolfan

Okay I can't believe I'm actually feeding to this but you really are just being an idiot.

You don't think that any of our past efforts has done anything. Lets look at that again.

- we need more media attention for the "Sack the CSA" cause. So we fill the entire south end with black against Costa Rica and it gets lots of media attention and now sack the CSA articles are written amlost weekly in the Canadian press. A positive effort from the Voyageurs.

-another problem was the poor attendance in Toronto because of a lack of CSA advertising. So the Voyageurs advertise like crazy, sell tickets to youth teams, and VPjr bought over 1,000 tickets himself. What do we get a pro-Canada crowd in Toronto against Jamaica, something we would have not thought possible a few years earlier.

-we need to put pressure on the CSA. So some members of the Voyageurs made a protest group in the CSF, which has gone to open CSA meetings and pressured the CSA, as well as gotten more media attention.

So for all of these people have put in as much work as they have and have you come on and say its all been useless which it obviously hasn't been is just ignorant. I know we have a long way to go, but to completly just give up and turn to a six-year-old response of egging them, or pies in the face is just moronic. So what would I do? Step up what we've been doing, work harder and get more people involved. So please just go away.

the sell out of the Canada vs Jamaica game was more due to the TFC effect than anything else, I brought a group of about 30-40 people to the game who would not have come if not for the hype TFC created, dont believe me? ask anyone at the Montreal game what the fan ratio was. And where did all of your changes get you? an early exit out of qualifying because of Mitchell. So tell me whats moronic, doing the same thing that hasnt got you anywhere in the past or changing your tactics. Like i said before, its people like you that are part of the problem

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So after the pie throwing and the egg tossing then it's making sure the AGM meeting next month doesn't happen and then threatening the CSA board and their families.

Thanks for posting your email address, they can compare that and your post here to the IP logs and finding you will be dead easy. DUMBASS.

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quote:Originally posted by Vic

Sport Canada funding 2008 (in 000s)

3706 Speed Skating

3675 Hockey

3355 Soccer **

3271 Canoeing

2913 Bobsleigh

2876 Freestyle Skiing

2703 Cross Country

2663 Rowing

That's quite an improvement from about 5 years ago when it was:

1390 Speed Skating

1380 Hockey

1175 Rowing

-985 Canoeing

-965 Figure Skating

-895 Synchro Swimming

-845 Freestyle Skiing

-815 Field Hockey

-710 Cross Country

-661 Bobsleigh

-650 Wrestling

-625 Yachting

-620 Soccer **

-480 Table Tennis

-435 Equine

-400 Fencing

The above is from the "List of Grants and Contributions and Contribution Recipients"

It includes -

The Athlete Assistance Program (AAP) contributes to the pursuit of excellence through its contribution to improved Canadian athlete performances at major international sporting events, enabling athletes to combine their sport and academic or working careers while training intensively in pursuit of world-class performances.

The Sport Support Program (SSP) funding is aimed at developing athletes and coaches at the highest international levels; providing sound technically-based sport programming for all athletes; increasing the number of Canadians from all segments of society involved in sport, and advancing Canadian interests and values in Canada and abroad.

The Hosting Program is a key instrument in the Government of Canada’s overall approach to sport development in Canada and aims to enhance the development of sport excellence and the international profile of sport organizations by assisting sport organizations to host the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada.

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quote:Originally posted by Cheeta

Vic, am I reading that table correctly?

Sport Canada put $3.3 million into funding soccer in '08 and $2.9 million into bobsleigh? And is it safe to assume that $3.3 million includes what the funding the WNT received for the Olympics?

W/ Sports Canada (SC), outside of Hosting, the rest of the $ a NSO's athlete/team gets is based on the team/athletes performance.

The WNT rates very high on the SC matrix & get the majority of their funding for non Olympic events from SC.

Ranking on the Matrix based on performance & is why some sports get big $ when compared to the # of members they have as a NSO. Those sports are doing a better job of placing their small # of athletes on the international stage than the soccer.

WNT $ for Pan Am Games & the Olympics were funded by the COC based on performance.

Typically the CSA only funds the WNT by about $150K a year. They are basically self funded outside of the CSA even though they have a budget similar to the MNT. Because of this the U17 & 20 have been able to get some money this year. Next 4 years the WP will be even better funded by SC & COC as all programs have done well on the international stage.

Note - The CSA was only asked by the interest group to pony up $600K out of the $2.5 for the next 4 years for the WP as that is the $150K for each year over the 4 that the CSA would probably come up w/ based on the CSA's history & the WP being funded outside of the CSA.

Question is when is the CSA is going to be better managed to generate more sponsor $, more effective w/ member $ & to be transparent so those interested in the sport can see that the CSA is healthy on it's own vs living off the members. If the CSA was healthy & moving forward on the international stage & w/ a development pathway for all, more $ would come soccer's way

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Whatever you're up to minamalek, so long as it doesn't involve fire arms, pitch-forks or lit torches knock yourself out. Media attention schemes have been the only vessel which have effected change. But media schemes are more complicated than they at first seem. Especially if you want to maximize their effect.


I think you're doing the Black Wednesday scheme a discredit. No the CSA world didn't come tumbling down that night but it got a fair share of published and un-published media attention. A lot of questions were asked and more importantly a lot of thorny seeds planted. The CSA Big Heads found that the soccer landscape had changed enough the past few years to put them in a very, very, uncomfortable and very, very public position.

Add a noisy if small hotel lobby protest and ta-da. After pricking around for a year we finally had our new head coach.

Okay, sure it was Dale Mitchell but that's not the point.

The point is the CSA was nudged to act by a bunch of amateurs (not exactly true but close enough) acting at the grassroots level. I think we learned a lot from the Black Wednesday protest about how things are evolving within the football market & media coverage in Canada.

It was a minor skirmish in a war of attrition. But it revealed strengths and weaknesses in both the CSA structure and the Voyageur Collective. Valuable data and a valuable experience which is still evolving today. And to be honest with you lessons which (in my opinion anyway) are leading to a tremendous strengthening of our position.

Don't Panic

Comforting words off the cover of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Revenge is a dish best served up cold

Klingon saying. Suitable advise for any Voyageur who's spent the last 25 years witnessing CSA incompetence after CSA incompetence (again, not exactly true but close enough).

There's a couple of slogans from the keyboard for yah.

Oh, and here's a third. Sound and sincere advise for any V who's spirits have been crushed.

Live long and prosper.

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quote:Originally posted by Joe MacCarthy

So after the pie throwing and the egg tossing then it's making sure the AGM meeting next month doesn't happen and then threatening the CSA board and their families.

Thanks for posting your email address, they can compare that and your post here to the IP logs and finding you will be dead easy. DUMBASS.


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