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Editorial in today's Sun...

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

I'm quite certain that the train tracks that run just north of Skydome/Rogers Center carries its fair share of potentially harmful chemicals. 20 years on, we've been ok.

This is a truly ridiculous argument to make. One must question the intelligence of a person who makes such a statement.

The groups who blocked the construction of soccer stadium at varsity came up with virtually identical claims. Ultimately that forced the plans to build at varsity to be halted. If you flashback three years ago to that piece that appeared in the newspapers at the time citing the reasons for the opposition, the claims were equaly outrageous. They cited noise polution, hooliganism etc etc..

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

I'm quite certain that the train tracks that run just north of Skydome/Rogers Center carries its fair share of potentially harmful chemicals. 20 years on, we've been ok.

This is a truly ridiculous argument to make. One must question the intelligence of a person who makes such a statement.

We now live in a world where men with grievances fly airplanes into office towers. Lets not forget that Vancouver was the home of the Air India Terrorists and there is a certain annual parade in Surrey that feels it necessarily to glorify these mass murderers. The issue is legit to be looking at, not necesssarily a deal breaker, but one which any development in the area will have to consider and put in place measure to mitigate.

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quote:Originally posted by Johnnie Monster

Depending on where the stadium is built, there needs to be additional road infrastructure to facilitate access. I'm pretty sure Don's been sniffing too many toxic fumes off his balcony, because his estimate is double the cost of the stadium itself.

So there has never been any published studies on these costs? Obviously the City of Vancouver would have done them, but I doubt would release them to only a select few. All or none I would think (of course, you never know what the politicians will do). I am not familiar enough with the project to even hazzard a guess on the number, but $131 million strikes me as very very high.

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All kinds of detailed information has been made public concerning this stadium project including infrastructure improvement requirements and cost estimates. If nowhere else then at the public displays held at the Waterfront station more than once where Whitecaps and city planning personnel were on hand to answer questions. I attended one of them, the amount of detailed information was quite overwhelming. Anybody who really wants the facts can find out all they need to know if they make the effort, there is no need for guesswork.

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Guest Jeffery S.

One of the things that irritates me is that they think the Olympics are enough to put them on the map, but in the end the most useful, longest lasting, most international facility they can put together is a soccer stadium. Not ice-racing or bobsledding facilities.

It is also the stadium that represents the sport that is cheapest and easiest to play for all ages and genders, for all body types, and having a top club in the city might inspire kids to go outside and fill Vancouver's chronically empty parks.

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