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Toronto Needs A Soccer Stadium!


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Friends of Soccer,

On May 4th, 2005, FIFA announced that Toronto had won its bid to host games of the FIFA U20 World Youth Championships Canada 2007 - along with Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria!

Of these cities, Toronto - Canada's largest - is the only venue lacking a suitable Soccer stadium in which to stage this world-class event which draws more than 1 billion television viewers world-wide!

To date, no decision has been made to remedy this embarassing situation and time is running out!

Please help convince our municipal, provincial and federal officials to get the shovels in the ground and get Toronto in "The Game"!

Simply complete and submit the petition below to automatically add your voice in support of building our Stadium and developing Soccer in our community.

Please pass this web petition along to ALL your teammates, players, parents, supporters, colleagues and friends -- it's time for Toronto to GET IN THE GAME!

Yours in Soccer,

Bruce A. Thomas

Chair, Toronto Site Committee


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quote:Originally posted by L.T.


Friends of Soccer,

On May 4th, 2005, FIFA announced that Toronto had won its bid to host games of the FIFA U20 World Youth Championships Canada 2007 - along with Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria!

Of these cities, Toronto - Canada's largest - is the only venue lacking a suitable Soccer stadium in which to stage this world-class event which draws more than 1 billion television viewers world-wide!

To date, no decision has been made to remedy this embarassing situation and time is running out!

Please help convince our municipal, provincial and federal officials to get the shovels in the ground and get Toronto in "The Game"!

Simply complete and submit the petition below to automatically add your voice in support of building our Stadium and developing Soccer in our community.

Please pass this web petition along to ALL your teammates, players, parents, supporters, colleagues and friends -- it's time for Toronto to GET IN THE GAME!

Yours in Soccer,

Bruce A. Thomas

Chair, Toronto Site Committee


Has Kevan Pipe signed this petition yet. That is the real source of this whole embarashment.

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quote:Originally posted by Robert

Interesting that your content with the status quo.

There is this great soccer stadium in Toronto that's hosted some an Italian National team game this summer and would be a perfect venue for the U-20 or a real local pro team.

It's called the Skydome. (can't bring myself to calling it anything else...)

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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

There is this great soccer stadium in Toronto that's hosted some an Italian National team game this summer and would be a perfect venue for the U-20 or a real local pro team.

It's called the Skydome. (can't bring myself to calling it anything else...)

Great, it's settled then, the CSA can announce that the Skydome will be the venue where Toronto's WYCs games will be played and we can get on with the business of other preparations. Who cares about the promise the CSA made to FIFA about building a new soccer stadium in Toronto. FIFA did not practise due dilligence and awarded us the championship. Is it our fault they didn't first make sure the CSA would be able to come up with a stadium in Toronto. Praise Kevan Pipe. He suckered FIFA into giving us this championship. Between Warner and Pipe, Blatter never had a clue.

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quote:Originally posted by Rudi

No, but your one-track minded comments are now the status quo as well.

And regards of how people like yourself view them, I shall continue to voice my opinions on all matters regarding the mismanagement of Canadian soccer until more competent individuals have replaced that Mafia family which runs the CSA today.

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quote:Originally posted by Robert

And regards of how people like yourself view them, I shall continue to voice my opinions on all matters regarding the mismanagement of Canadian soccer until more competent individuals have replaced that Mafia family which runs the CSA today.

Because clearly, your methods have proven to be effective thus far.

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It's becoming very deplorable day-by-day that Kevan Pipes is still in the helms of power at the CSA. I am sick to the stomach watching how this guy f..ks one thing to the other. I don't know why he has not yet been fired for the fiasco of the stadium and many others of which he has been involved in the past.

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

And my comment lead you to that conclusion, how?

Because you place a far higher priority responding to how I annoy you, then the sad state of Canadian soccer affairs. You contribute nothing with regards to Canadian soccer, yet you spend countless hours letting everyone know how much I bother you. Sad, but there's nothing I can really discuss with you pertaining to Canadian soccer. Do you really think I give a rat's ass what you, Richard, or Rudi think of my comments? If you had the balls to devote half as much energy on the state of Canadian soccer as you devote to me, we might actually see some change.


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If you devoted half as much energy on the state of Canadian soccer as you do on whining, we'd be a world powerhouse.

And that's a pretty lame reasoning, by the way. How you figure my comments mean I contribute nothing is nothing short of a miracle! Mind reading and melding must be your specialty!

By the way, I am honoured you think I wield enough power to change a national program...

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