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National Satdium (s) - Not in Toronto

Ian Kennett

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In the latest World Football Pages issue, CSA president is quoted as saying that he is amazed that Toronto has managed to turn down $37 million of goverment money toward the construction of a soccer specific stadium. Amazing is not the word I would use, but this is a nice forum :D

WHY NOT - split the $37 million up and divide it among the following.

Greg Kerfoot in Vancouver who will from his own resources build a SSS in the Vancouver area,

Joey Saputo in Montreal who will from his own resources build a SSS in Montreal,

Kingston's Richardson Stadium, for a facelift, where the crowds are pro-Canadian,

Improvements to another venue or two where soccer is truly appreciated at the Canadian level.

To me, this makes more sense, as does promoting MLS in Vancouver and Montreal, than trying to force feed Toronto which just does not seem interested in getting anything done (Unless Downsview miraculously happens), and where soccer is appreciated by most only at the European level.

What sayest thou?


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quote:Originally posted by Ian Kennett

WHY NOT - split the $37 million up and divide it among the following.

Because the money is only on the table for a Toronto-area stadium.

Anyone else looking for federal cash has to apply seperately.

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quote:CSA president is quoted as saying that he is amazed that Toronto has managed to turn down $37 million of goverment money toward the construction of a soccer specific stadium.

Wow! I just keep getting amazed at the stupidity. Um, it's not "Toronto's" (whatever that means) job to build a soccer stadium. It's the CSAs. The CSA got the $37 (I thought $35) Million, not "Toronto". The CSA *needs* a soccer stadium in it's biggest city/market, not "Toronto".

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really i can't understand the general lack of soccer enthusiasm in toronto. i really think our soccer viewing mentality in canada is split between tv viewing and standing on the sidelines of fields across the country for youth/family matches. we truly are the armchair nation. the countless brazilian and italian sportsbars in central toronto alone should attest to a need for a good stadium...although..to be honest if you look at euro and south american matches...the stadiums in general are packed with young men. they have the extra time money and energy to actively support teams and countries. until we can convince a sector of the population for say 16-40 male to go out and become serious supporters...the stadiums and games will just seem quiet...or never get built...that is the age group that physically and metaphorically build nations and support. young men of toronto! stage a protest!! bring out your girlfriends! claim a right to have a kick ass stadium in downtown toronto!!!

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