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Fullback last won the day on May 2 2014

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About Fullback


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    One of the younger CMNT supporters.

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  1. Guy had 3 goals in 3 starts this year before cutting ties with Whitecaps 2. Clearly there’s still a player there and I hope he can figure it out
  2. I think Piette could still have a place with us. We still don’t have a true DM other than him and I don’t think his play has declined at all. Add in the fact that he seems okay with riding the pine and bringing a veteran presence, seems like he still has a role to play with us. No point in replacing a guy like that unless there is someone better
  3. That half has me thinking MLS is at a better level than I thought. This is coming from a guy who watches it every weekend
  4. I thought Oso had a decent tournament, nothing amazing but played solid games enough. On a side note I think you can get through whatever is going on in your life. This ain’t the place to vent though
  5. Please ban this guy. No other forum in the world would tolerate a troll this obvious coming to gloat after a win.
  6. The fact that we’re allowing an Argentinian to come on here and troll us saying a Eerste Divisie player is a what we are missing is a joke. Buddy not the time. Take a hike for a couple weeks
  7. I think you nailed it. Those little errors against Venezuela not a big deal, little errors against Argentina are a little different.
  8. Nailed it. Yet somehow we still have people being negative, blows my mind
  9. Yeah poor guy, stuck making $400k
  10. With all due respect to Shaff, South Americans are about to have an inflated opinion of him between games against Messi and these games. Guy was an absolute dawg today though I’ll give it to him
  11. You can tell who’s been watching for a while and actually cheers for the team. Everybody relax and enjoy a win in a major tournament
  12. Eat crow bud. Oso looked composed. Maybe we could have played better but a win against a Latin American team in a scrappy game is fine no matter what you think. Enjoy cheering for Chile 👋
  13. I don’t think the Segunda rumour is true but I think we’re about to hear some. Praise the mullet
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