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CanadaFan123 last won the day on June 11

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  1. He’s actually an incredible con artist. He said it didn’t happen in Olympics or during World Cups… which may be true. Didn’t deny drone usage. Honestly we are so incredibly lucky he left for TFC and we wound up with Marsch. I’ll gladly trade all the nonsense of the past year for that and what we accomplished this summer.
  2. Hilarious that Herdman used a drone prior to two of the worst Canada performances under his watch. Just stick to the swords and stories John.
  3. They have an incredible stadium as some of us saw last month. No doubt it will be a phoenix club given their history.
  4. If people don’t get it by now they never will so don’t even bother.
  5. Would certainly be a convenient excuse for TFC to can him without egg on their face.
  6. I’m a fan of the level but we have players at higher levels in his position so can’t see it. It’s an okay level for a player his age at that position but they also don’t break for internationals so probably best he stays there in any event.
  7. The problem with the USA is their character. They fold if things don’t go their way. How many images have we seen of players on their team literally throwing tantrums? Find me one of a Canadian player in recent times…
  8. Yeah I had figured that he was called because he was in Bordeaux but ironically he wasn’t even with the team then. If we’re calling McGill as 3rd keeper I’d have no issues with bringing him in his place. I hope he stays with Bordeaux and wins the starting spot. At 19 and on a big club that would be a dream. Incredible city and stadium.
  9. Justin Smith was a level above last cycle and it clearly would have been a mistake to call him. Lopez should not be getting called until he breaks through for Pumas. If this was 2021 it would be a different story but there are at least 10 players ahead of him.
  10. It’s ironic that France is arguably the deepest nation in world football today yet their pyramid is ranked quite low. Obviously the top division is 5th but then you would expect the lower divisions to be of a higher relative quality and that is not the case. In a Canadian context this has to give us hope for the future.
  11. We don’t seem to have a system but I also sympathize with the conditions. Swiderski looks to be the top of this crop early on.
  12. No argument there. It can be better for sure. It shouldn’t take long and for damn sure the decision should be correct at the end. I also don’t think its application is correct in many instances. For example, Shaffelburg being fouled in the first match at the copa - wasn’t in the box so no pk given but come on.. it’s a free kick if you’re reviewing it and seeing a foul.
  13. So dumb. Like what? Let’s go back to no VAR and then we can all be happy about missed calls? VAR isn’t perfect but the complaints about it really just show you that you can’t satisfy everyone. It’s better than the alternative.
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