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Vancouver Island to Whitecaps Final


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Is anyone interested in splitting the cost of a ferry to go to the Whitecaps game on Sunday? I was thinking of going over on Sunday morning, and returning that night after the game.

We would need 4 people, and even with 4 the cost of the ferry would be $50.00 each. I'm interested in going if we can get at least 4 people.

Who can commit to going?

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I'll have either my sister or my parents car in the city. I can pick you guys up if you catch the 11:00am, and we can leave the car at the ferry parking lot (my sister is in Victoria for the weekend so she can get it on her way back) and catch the 9:00pm back. That will give us time to go to the southside tailgate, and then after the game grab a bite (or allow for extra time if needed).

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quote:Originally posted by masster

I actually am going to be in Victoria on Saturday for a funeral. My family might stay the weekend which means I might have to find a different way back to Vancouver. I'll call you or Brett if necessary.

You're more than welcome to stay at my place Saturday and then come back to Vancouver with me on the 11AM ferry Sunday. I'd put you up at the hotel but we're full up because of the Marathon and Thanksgiving...

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