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I think that Canada Honduras and Jamaica have more chances to get to the hex, than the mexicans.

1- Their association has a crisis.

2- They hired a Swedish manager, that came only for the money., and in my opinion, he is not going to get better from the players. Erikson should have got Holland or Spain instead.

3-The mexicans think that they are far better that Hon/Can/jam, that is a big big mistake. This is a 6 games tourney,

4-The media is afraid of mistakes in Mexico. Any doubt or fall will increase the pressure, and they will pill off Erikson

For me Canada and Honduras will get to the next stage.

Canada got the best of it , they will be playing its first 2 games at home, in this kind of small tourneys , the first 3 games are vital.


What do you think about this ?

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I don't necessarily think the Mexicans will not make the Hex, but I do believe that we have a better shot against them than many would think. Without checking my facts, I beleive that over the last number of years, the US has done very well against Mexico. When I compare our team and the US position by position, I don't see a huge drop off in skill/pedigree. So, if we're not much worse than the US who have fared well against Mexico, I won't be surprised to see us split the points with them in the semi-final group. (ie 2 ties, or a win apiece)

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I honestly don't see it happening. We're talking about a country that has advanced to the 2nd round of the last three World Cups. I'm sure they'll find a way to get through this group.

I don't buy the 'Erikson' issue. I don't know about everybody else but I'd be absolutely giddy if he was coaching Canada. I'm sure he'll have Mexico in form for this round.

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I honestly don't see it happening. We're talking about a country that has advanced to the 2nd round of the last three World Cups. I'm sure they'll find a way to get through this group.

I don't buy the 'Erikson' issue. I don't know about everybody else but I'd be absolutely giddy if he was coaching Canada. I'm sure he'll have Mexico in form for this round.

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quote:Originally posted by Kusch to the Corner

I don't necessarily think the Mexicans will not make the Hex, but I do believe that we have a better shot against them than many would think. Without checking my facts, I beleive that over the last number of years, the US has done very well against Mexico. When I compare our team and the US position by position, I don't see a huge drop off in skill/pedigree. So, if we're not much worse than the US who have fared well against Mexico, I won't be surprised to see us split the points with them in the semi-final group. (ie 2 ties, or a win apiece)

When the U.S. and Mexico play it really has little to do with skill and a lot to do with the fact that we get into the Mexicans heads. They put so much pressure on themselves to beat us that they kind of just psych themselves out.

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erikson is a fine manager, a good one to deal with "prima donnas", i do not think about the chemistry with mexican "lazy" players.

Our Ricardo Lavolpe, got them in 2nd round, however in the last WC they had the weakest group with iran/angola/mex and portugal.

in 2002 , they had it hard. I think that Mexico now is changing a generation of players into a new one. As i said before Media will crush them is the have a flop.

CANADA has the best generation of players and only is missing De vos and Bunbury in this team.

I still think that canada has the best pool of midfielders in the area concacaf . hutchinson/de guzman/bernier/imhoff/nsaliwa/brennan/harmse/

i still think that imhoff and bernier will be key players for the away game to keep possesion

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quote:Originally posted by Javier

erikson is a fine manager, a good one to deal with "prima donnas", i do not think about the chemistry with mexican "lazy" players.

Our Ricardo Lavolpe, got them in 2nd round, however in the last WC they had the weakest group with iran/angola/mex and portugal.

in 2002 , they had it hard. I think that Mexico now is changing a generation of players into a new one. As i said before Media will crush them is the have a flop.

CANADA has the best generation of players and only is missing De vos and Bunbury in this team.

I still think that canada has the best pool of midfielders in the area concacaf . hutchinson/de guzman/bernier/imhoff/nsaliwa/brennan/harmse/

i still think that imhoff and bernier will be key players for the away game to keep possesion

Javier, Harmse isn't that good I'd be surprised if he ever played for Canada again.

He can't even play for Toronto FC. I'd put players such as Andrew Ornoch, Dejan Jakovic and Tyler Rosenlund ahead of him and those guys are down the depth chart.

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I highly doubt Mexico doesn't make it to the World Cup, nevermind not even making it out of this group. They're the overwhelming favorite for the 1st spot in the group and it would be HUGE shocker to not see them advance IMO.

Make not mistake, the reason this is called the "group of death" is not because anyone could finish anywhere, but rather because we have 3 teams who all have a very good chance of finishing 2nd (or 1st if ever Mexico falters a little). The huge difference between the top two teams in CONCACAF (US and Mexico) and the rest is too big for there to be a real "group of death" any time soon.

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a draw and a canadian victory , puts canada in a good shape.

i dont see canada getting away from mexico without a point. as i said before mexico is scared.. otherwise the wouldnot fire Sanchez and tried to get CARLOS BIANCHI , PEKERMAN, and then Erikson.

The job was offered to 2 big argentinian names, to big coaches Carlos Bianchi and Jose Pekerman, they refused it, and then Erikson came along.

I can see a WC without Mexico. England, Holland, France , they were eliminated somewhere in the past, Why not Mexico? it does not make sense.

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