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Kingston V's


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I noticed a few new Kingston V's posting on here recently. I can't make it to the game in Toronto on August 20th, but I'm going to try and go to the Honduras game in Montreal on September 6th. I'm thinking of renting a van or mini-bus to take us up depending on the numbers. So if any Kingston area V's are interested in getting this going e-mail me at leafdolfan@hotmail.com.

Let's try and get this going ASAP!!

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I also won't be able to make the Toronto game. Work tends to frown on me taking days off during our busy season.

Luckily I'm already going to be in Montreal the weekend of the Honduras game. My gf, her parents, and I are watching the Argos Allouettes game on the Sunday and I persuaded them to come watch the WCQ game on the Saturday. All-in-all it should make for an great weekend!

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Yeah. We're camping outside of Montreal from the Friday to the Sunday.

I'd be interested in renting a van for the game in Toronto, but we'd have to leave after 4:30 and come back that night after the game. Which I guess is doable, depending on who's driving...

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quote:Originally posted by Winnipeg Fury

I would love to consider myself a Kingston Voyageur one day. Prior to the Montreal, St Vinny match, I spent a couple of days in Kingston checking it out.

I love it !

Glad to hear you liked it!

Anyways if there is going to be another Toronto bus trip to Montreal could a Kingston stop be worked in? I could get a few people to come with me, if no one else was interested.

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quote:Originally posted by leafdolfan

Glad to hear you liked it!

Anyways if there is going to be another Toronto bus trip to Montreal could a Kingston stop be worked in? I could get a few people to come with me, if no one else was interested.

Great idea, it's on the 401 right on the way....

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i may be organizing the trip but i'm going to start a thread to see how many people are interested first... it's a long weekend and there is a tfc game the same day so i'm assuming the toronto area support may be a little weak. i want to get a coach taht holds about 56 people. the cost with ticket should be around $100. money will need to be paid upfront through paypal - no exceptions. look for a post later tonight for interested supporters.

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