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Caps v. Timbers [R]

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quote:Originally posted by DoyleG

Watched the game on Shaw last night. The Whitecaps were committing cruel and unusual punishment on that 3rd goal.


Nice to see Marty Nash bag one.

Thought the Caps left Nolly with to much to do for my liking, but coming back with three straight was sweet!

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A little Bowie?

"My mother said...

To get things done...

You better not mess with


That second half certainly made up for the lackluster first. Perhaps the Baconators struck again?

Glad to see Thordarson making minimal, well timed, strategic subs rather than wholesale changes at 70 mins.

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I totally agree Johnny the timing of subs this year has been amazing we turned in a poor first half with a energized second and could have bagged another if not for a fine save from James. All in all a good game great strike by Martin Nash !

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