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Radzinski : “my focus on WC qualification”

Bxl Boy

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With Anderlecht in the Belgian Cup final, the belgian newspaper “La Dernière Heure” made a long interview with Radzinski, resulting in 4 articles.

“En juin, Anderlecht m'a refusé”


“Avec Everton, j'étais le bourreau d'Arsenal”


“Mes cheveux étaient affreux”


“J'ai mis trois buts face au Pana”


The most interesting passage in our canadian point of view is this one :

“Des rumeurs font état de l'intérêt des trois grands clubs grecs (Olympiakos, Panathinaikos, AEK), mais je ne me casse pas la tête. Je me concentre sur les deux matches de qualification pour le Mondial avec le Canada, qui se jouent en juin. Je suis le plus ancien de l'équipe - j'ai refusé le brassard de capitaine - mais je veux absolument qu'on se qualifie pour le Mondial 2010. C'est le seul vide sur mon palmarès. Cette fois, on a une équipe pour se qualifier !”

“Rumours say that there's interest of the three big ones in Grece (Olympiakos, Panathinaikos, AEK) for me, but I don't get headache with that. My focus is on the two WC qualfication games for Canada, that will be played in June. I'm the veteran of the team - I refused the armband of captain - and I want per se that we qualify for the WC 2010. That's the only hole in my palmares. This time, we got a team to qualify !”

As it's to a not canadian related media, we can fully trust his sincerity.

In the articles, he also speaks of his time in Greece ; his Cup final won with Ekeren 12 years ago where he was the hero (and where him and two of his teammates shaved their hair... and the other players found it awful, so they were only three bald and not all the team [|)]) ; he's not happy to have scored so few in England (but a lot against Arsenal) ; he has like 250 jerseys at his parents home here in Canada ; how he met his girlfriend ; that he wanted back to Anderlecht last year but the club said no ; etc.

Have a nice read !

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^ Funny you mention that Anderlecht didn't want him. I thought that might be the first place he'd go back to, too bad for them i guess...Good to see the interest from the Big Athenian Greek clubs, i'm sure he'll kick ass next year...Can't wait for WCQ to start!!!

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well he's right about one thing. we do have a team to qualify. it will be hard cause all the teams will be playing at full force. in my opinion the team we have now is better than previous teams. although if we do qualify i think radz may not see any playing time in 2010 cause he's already in his mid 30's.

i hope we do qualify,


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