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Lucania - Sons of Italy (post Euro clash Sunday)


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Well the serious side of the football season is begining along with the hopes of some sort of summer weather. Sunday's contest of choice plays 1st place Lucania against 2nd place Sons of Italy Lions at Vince Leah with a 7 o'clock kickoff.

Lucania's only blemish this season was a draw earlier last month against Hellas and will be looking to start to pull away early in the standings with a victory over arch-rivals Sons of Italy Lions.

Lucania and Lions have both already scored victories over Sokol and with MSA Cup action fast approaching the mental stakes Sunday may prove huge.

Weather isn't calling for rain, but some clouds, bit of wind and temps in the high teens. Pitch should be fast tomorrow too.

Did a little brousing and see former Sokol striker Nolly Sanchez is once again leading the league in scoring. Except of course in his new Lions kit. Looks like Nolly's got about half of the Lions goals so far this season too. The man's skills and ambition make it hard not to make him the cental attacking piece in any squad. Should be fun watching Lucania trying to isolate him.

Also see Robin Hart of former Wizard employment and not unkown on this board, is on Lucania's roster. Don't recall seeing him last week but again, I only caught the 2nd half.

Hellas' match Sunday was postponed out of curtosy, against Ital-Inter I believe. Very sporting of Inter to allow the Hellas club and it's Greek support to enjoy their day and best of luck to them. Well done, Inter. Looks good on you.

And speaking of the Euro final, for all you east end brats The Cav' (corner of Nairn & Panet Road) has the final on the huge screen. May just stagger down and tip a few lagers and see what's what. But just a few. Gotta do some driving later.

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Due to unexpected visitors missed the match:(

MMSL website has Lucania winning 3-1. This leaves Lucania firmly in 1st with a lot of football left to play but in 1st all the same and odviously the strongest squad in the league right now having gathered in a pair of prized scalps already.

Too bad I missed out. Wasn't a bad evening for a match after all. Quite sure the game must have been better than the Euro final.

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